Tuesday, March 16, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Bonk's Revenge - Part 5 of 8

Now it's time to go back - again - to check out Round 4. Thankfully, we don't warp again, so I'll be able to go back to the other game and play Round 5 with even better stuff.

Round 4

Parasol Beach

The women in the bikinis will rush at you and stop just short of where you are if you attack them, but if you're on the ground when that happens, they will grab you for a whole heart's worth of damage. Despite being able to fight on the ground, an aerial headbutt is the way to go.

Speaking of which, use the aerial headbutt against the egg enemies on the surfboards. If they hit you, you're getting knocked waaaaay up into the air.

The seagulls can be easily destroyed; just keep in mind they head to the edge of the screen instead of a certain point. If you see them and want to hit them, stop moving.

Pick up the beach balls that fall from the sky; they're worth 500 points each.

The radar dish bonus area is the easiest to complete; just watch what you're doing as you're bouncing off the dishes and you'll destroy all nine in no times.

The boss here are three of those purple flying dinosaurs. Two regular headbutts (or an aerial attack) will beat them. If you get too close, they will eat you for a whole heart's worth of damage. Like other 

Warship Hold

The mines split into six smaller pieces that briefly move out, briefly move back in, then move all the way out. This is a beginner's trap for sure, so if you approach a mine and make it flash, get far away from it immediately.

Once you're in the ship, you can break the crates to move around and find stuff. There may

The beds are bouncy, so keep that in mind if you jump onto them.

Whatever you do, don't attack the stone missiles. They will break and split into six smaller projectiles that will do a bit of damage if they touch you as they fan out.

Radar Tower

Once again, there's a lot of crate breaking.

The green crab claws will shoot slow-moving homing bubbles at you if you are close enough to them. Also, the radar dishes show up as regular enemies here, and they will stop spinning and shoot hatchets.

Watch out for the acid droplets; they will do damage if they drop onto you.

Don't touch the fire coming out of the pipe near the end.

Sailor Saloon

More fire pipes at the beginning! Jump and headbutt hover over the fire coming out of these pipes.

The large female enemies with the aprons take two aerial headbutts.

The water droplets still hurt you much like the acid droplets do, so don't let those touch you either. Also, the beds in the underwater area are not bouncy compared to their dry land cousins from two areas ago.

The boss here is a dinosaur wearing a pirate hat. Stand on the edges of the pipes in case he shows up next to you, and hit them in the head with as many aerial headbutts as you can.

After enough hits, he will show up on a ship. Try to use the time when he lowers down to shoot a fireball as a means of getting up there, then try to stay on top of him and deal multiple headbutts. That, or you can get under him and try to take the launch upwards from being hit to get some invincibility and hit hit from underneath. That works, too. Also, the water pits between the pipes help you avoid not only the extending hook hand from the first phase, but the fireballs and missiles from the second phase. Once you beat him, it's on to Round 5.

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