Sunday, March 28, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil 2 - Part 6 of 19

In this episode, Sir Dan's head gets separated from his body, which introduces to a new situation and a rather crafty puzzle. That puzzle is actually pretty cool when you figure it out. I'm not even mad!

If you pick up the Chalice again in a level you've already got it from and bring it back, you can get 50 gold to buy things from the Spiv with.

Anyway, Winston has done some recon at the Greenwich Observatory and noticed that weird things have been going on. If Palethorn is behind it, it must be stopped.

Greenwich Observatory

2:09 - The sailor zombies are relentless. Sometimes they explode when they die; sometimes they don't. Use the Power Strike of the short sword to defeat them and keep your distance.

2:48 - Oh, no! That eagle took your head away! Now you have to play as a headless Dan.

3:40 - L1 + Triangle will allow you to switch between your head and your body whenever the picture of Dan's head is in the upper-right corner of the screen. When you find your head, press L1 and Triangle to put it back on. This will prove useful here. Also, if your head is disconnected from your body, you won't be able to use the Dan Cam with L2 and R2 if you're playing as the body.

4:36 - Use the crossbow to get rid of the birds, who will drop poop on you and also try to rip your head off and take it back to the nest. You are far better off taking these birds out from a distance.

7:45 - Winston will tell you that the entrance is barred and that you'll need to find another way in.

8:06 - Getting our head straight. The head will now be in your inventory.

8:59 - Be careful in these alleyways; there is a bird.

10:13 - These green heads are an annoying enemy. They will latch onto enemies, regardless of whether they are alive, dead or undead, and attack you with the bodies they have control of. You'll have to take out the enemies that are being controlled first, then you'll have to destroy the heads before they can latch onto another body. Attack the sailor zombie bodies with uncharged Short Sword Power Strikes, then destroy the head with a projectile weapon.

14:11 - Go behind his building for a Life Bottle.

14:34 - Put your head in the hole, then switch to the head and use the Dan Cam to figure out what to set each gauge to. (This will be a random set of settings every time you play the stage.) Strike the switches until the gauges are at the proper levels, and you'll lower a bridge. You can then take your head back.

18:02 - Check the bottom of the pier for enemies and gold. You'll want to clear this area out before taking the bridge.

20:04 - Jump from ship to ship to get out of the dock. At the fork in the road, go left and hit the switch to raise a bridge. Across from the switch is the Chalice. Use a Daring Dash jump at the raised bridge. 

21:30 - Drop down to this part of the dock and take out the two reanimator heads. From here, it's on to the observatory.

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