Sunday, June 28, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terranigma - Part 19 of 50

In this episode, we rescue Meilin...and she continues to be a brat. Typical.

From this building, go down the stairway to the right. Once downstairs, go north as soon as you can to get Magirock #38, then go all the way left and crawl underneath the table. You'll see an armored ghost, but it won't hurt you. Go to the path leading north to the left of where you found the Magirock and go up the stairs that you find.

Fight off the Borfs, then go left of where you entered and take the stairs you see there. Fight off the Borfs here and go to the right. Go through the doorway to the south and make your way to the table to the right. Crawl under it and keep going north to find Magirock #39. Leave the building.

From here, go into the small building to the right. Beat up the zombies, crawl under the table, take the Large Bulb (L.Bulb) from the chest and get out. The L.Bulb replenishes 150 HP when used.

Once back outside, enter the building to the immediate south. Take the stairs leading down and go up the stairs to the left and go through the doorway to the south to get a STR Potion. Get back through the building and go to the one south of that. Here, you'll find Magirock #40. But there's more! Leave the building and head west until you see a path leading south. This leads to Magirock #41, but you'll be blocked from the square by a fence. Go back and head straight to the right to enter the cemetery.

If you're above Level 17, use a PyroRing to kill off all the zombies. There are ten of them here, and if you need experience, keep going in and out of this area to farm up. There will be a lone tombstone up and left of all the others. If you talk to it, it will say "Temjin's Grave." If you told Temjin to take his riches with him, you'll get 500 gems for the effort when you examine the gravestone.

In the upper-right corner of the cemetary is a tombstone distanced even more so than the other ones. Here, you'll find Turbo. Equip the Red Scarf and talk to Turbo, and Turbo will be able to recognize and follow Meilin's scent. At this point, he'll follow you. Remember the armored ghost that didn't interact with you. Well, you'll have to go back to it. When you leave the cemetery, Turbo will slowly head to the area where you found that armored ghost.

Once you're in that building and Turbo approaches the ghost, the ghost will turn into Meilin. Meilin blames you for the disappearance of her parents, but her parents will soon speak to her from beyond the grave, telling her not to hurt those around her, and that they're dead and are in the process of being reborn in new bodies. What bodies they have, they will not know. Meilin runs away and acts like a jerk to you, anyway. Gee, how thankful.

When you leave the building, you'll meet up with Master Meihou, who asks you to forgive Meilin. He also wishes to pay you back for helping him out, and does just that by asking you to head to the nomad's camp that you passed by and ask for direction to get through the desert. You'll then be teleported to the square.

If you head south, you'll meet Hedyn again. If you talk to him, he'll tell you that he will write a travel when he returns to Europe. He'll also tell you about the nomads near Taklama, and how he came to the conclusion that excahnges with other countries should be promoted for mutual growth while he was there. He hopes his travels will contribute to Europe's progress.

Go south even further, and you'll leave the town of Louran.

Go north and west, and you'll be at the Nomads' Camp. If you talked to the people here before your whole ordeal in Louran, they would have been distrusting towards you and would have wanted you to leave. Instead, go up to the three men near the fire and talk to the guy on the right. Now that you know Meihou, he'll be more than happy to give you directions on how to get through the nearby desert.

To get through the lost desert, walk west until until you see three boulders in the formation of a triangle. Go south, and look for boulders arranged as a serpentine dragon. Go northwest, and alternate between north and west to ensure you go at a 45 degree angle, and turn north when you come along dragon skulls. The exit is near a giant skull.

If you talk around, you'll learn from the guy north of the fire that Hedyn was here, and everyone is a lot friendlier. Even the girl to the tent in the south believes that you're not a kidnapper (if you hadn't completed Louran yet, she would have). There is also a tent to the east of the guy who gave you directions. The little girl there cannot talk, and when you talk to her mom, her mom wil tell you that she hasn't spoken a word since her parents disappeared. Remember this tent for later.

Head out of the Nomads' Camp and go west. Follow the aforementioned directions. If you didn't have the directions before hand, or if you went the wrong way for too long, you'll pass out in the desert and you'll be kicked back to the world map screen.

Head south and then east out of the mountain path. You're in a whole new world now. Welcome to Europe.

There is a town to the west, but before you go there, go north to a mountain area. There you'll find Magirock #42.

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