Sunday, June 21, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terrangima - Part 6 of 50

Once we fall down the hole to the other side, there's no turning back. Now, the real work begins.


If you try to enter Elle's room at the Weavers' house, Elle will tell you not to come in, as she doesn't want to see you off in sadness as she knows you will be going far away, even though she knows you will come back safely.


Once you choose to enter the hole, you'll go through a portal on the other side and enter the overworld.

Chapter 2: Resurrection of the World


Ark will wake in to a barren wasteland, and wonders how the Elder expected him to complete his task. Yomi shows up and tells him to think positive and take action.

There is also a diary and ink well to the north if you need to save.

When you head south in the Portal area, you'll enter the World Map...and boy, is it desolate. You'll be in South America in the Amazon Rainforest.

Amazon Ruins

Go to the south from where you started to find an empty spot surrounded by mountains. You'll find Magirock (#12). The soul there is a Magishop.

If you go north from where you began, you'll be in Guiana, but you won't be able to get very far.

There is a small peninsula in the center of the jungle area with a small pool, which is surrounded by water. This is where you want to go.


There was once pools of water and plants and animals here, but now there is nothing but boiling lava and sweltering heat. Go north and you'll get in a conversation with a tree, who tells you that they've waited a long time for you to arrive. This is the Ra Tree. The soul to the left is a store, so if you need healing items, get them here. Get some P.Cure to cure poison in the area ahead. Then, walk up to the hole and press A while walking into it to crawl into the tree.

Ra Tree

The red sac you see here shoots out some sort of purple stuff which can put you out for a little while if you're caught in it. Other red ones that you'll see will shoot projectiles at you that you can guard against, but if you can walk up to them and pick them up, you can throw them to kill them as well as use them as projectiles to throw at other enemies. There is also a diary and ink well here in case you need to save.

The gray sacs that are quivering act as treasure chests, and you can open them up to get useful items such as P.Cures.

The big yellow flowers can be easily destroyed with a dash attack. They can poison you when opened up if you're not careful.

At the start, go down the stairs, then go up and to the right. The yellow demon here - known as a Dignal - will jump around and try to claw at you. If there are two of them on-screen, one of them will throw the other at you. Go down the hole. Beat up all the enemies, then go up the platform and open the gray sac to get the Ra Spear, which is a more powerful weapon than what you have now. Be sure to equip it before you continue.

If you go through the door to the east, you'll be knocked out and tossed out of the room. Go to the stairway to the west instead. This takes you back close to the entrance. Head to the west and use your dash attack to take out the flower enemy now that you have the Ra Spear equipped. 

The Zap Ring will allow you to shoot projectiles from your staff for a short period of time.

From the flower enemy, go south and follow the path, watching out for fish that leap out of the water to flop at you as well as other enemies. 

One of the flower enemies contains a soul that tells you about how plants started from one tree and then slowly grew elsewhere across the land. You'll learn that if you save the Ra Tree, the world can become green again.

When you reach the area with the small boulders, pick up the boulders and do a dash throw to take down the fish swimming up ahead. This will open up a path across the water. You'll be back at the hole, this time on the other side of it. Drop down the hole, then open up any chests that you find and make your way east to the stairs leading down.

From those stairs, head west, then south at the fork in the road. The purple flower enemy is a little tougher than the yellow one, as it can only be attacked when it is open. Nevertheless, it goes down the same way. Leap over the water with a running jump and kill the other enemies for experience if you need it, then go back north and go west and follow the path there. Go down the stairs.

From there, check the gray sacs for a Life Potion, as one of them will carry one. Keep going south, then follow the path.

It's time to make our way to the upper-right hand corner of the fourth basement floor. Kill the flower near the pit, and a soul will pop and tell you to follow it. Dash jump over the pit and then drop into the pit it takes you to.

You'll then be in a place where the water is blue instead of purple. Go south and you'll find a lilly named Lily. Talk to Lily and you'll learn about a nearby plant that acts wonderfully as swim flippers. The plant is just to the left of Lily. Walk up to them and ou'll get the Giant Leaves. You can now swim in water.

Yomi will pop up and have a brief conversation with Ark, then disappear.

To swim, all you need to do is jump in water and use the Control Pad to move around and the B button to dash forward, much like in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Go south of where you got the Giant Leaves to find Magirock #13. When you're done here, just go back to the ladder on the wall and climb back up.

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