Wednesday, June 10, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Part 14 of 28

Now that we've gotten rid of the Medusa guarding the gates, it's time to go deeper into the volcano.

Lava Dome

Go down the stairs and you'll be able to access the Lava Dome. Restock on items if you need to, and rest at the Inn, because you'll need all the strength you can muster.

Once again, there are more new enemies here.

The Hot Wings aren't weak to Water, and you don't have a Shoot attack, but they're weak, so who cares? They can Cure themselves, but you'll more than likely be too busy beating them to the punch to notice.

The Ninjas can put you to sleep with Lullaby, so putting them out of commission as soon as possible is a high priority when one pops up. They can also Blind you.

The Fangpires can Confuse, so be on your guard and take them out quickly as well.

Even more new enemies abound, including another Medusa-like creature, the Stheno. Her Bad Breath can Paralyze you, but it doesn't do any damage. She can also Petrify you if you don't destroy her as quickly as possible.

The Mega Grenade can blow up the rocks if you throw one at them. For once, the throw that comes with the Mega Grenade outside of battle is useful. (Strangely, I don't figure this out until the next video despite having notes.)

The Iflytes can put you to Sleep just like the Ninjas can. Thankfully, they're not as bad as Jinn.

Avizzards can be easily killed off with White, especially in groups. They aren't weak against it, but it works. They can also Silence you if given the chance.

You'll be able to find the Moon Helm for Benjamin, which protects against Fire.

Upon further exploration of the Lava Dome, you'll find a switch that opens a pair of double doors nearby. You'll also find the Life spell for Benjamin. Congratulations, you have all the White Magic in the game.

Cheat Sheet

Adamant Turtle
Weak against: Axe

Weak against: Fire

Weak against: Water

Weak against: Water

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