Friday, June 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terranigma - Part 15 of 50

In this entry, we get caved in and stuck with a mountain goat.


Head back to the hot spring that the Yeti was soaking in, equip the Snowgrass Leaf and use it on the hot spring. The Yeti in the pool will agree to help you, and he will leave the pool and head north. If you talk to the Yeti there, he'll ask if you want to cross. He'll toss you to the other side. Thankfully, there's another yet on the other side if you want to go back.

To get to the chest to the right when you go to the other side, just walk down towards the trees and then move to the right. You can see the north side of the slope, but just barely. As you begin your ascent here, don't forget to explore everywhere to get Magirock #30.

Magirock #31 is straight north from where you entered the mountain area. It's in a dead end in a cave.

Going to the upper-left corner takes you higher up the mountain. You'll eventually find a path into a cave, and you'll go down a huge slide. However, Ark has no choice but to run into the wall, which causes an avalanche. Try as he might, Ark can't outrun it...

Thankfully, Ark comes to in a cave, and wakes up with a mountain goat. After a brief conversation, where the answer to whether or not you can walk doesn't matter, the goat will ask you to come with her. The goat lying on the ground is her husband, and unfortunately, this goat has land awkwardly on his legs, got injured and died.

There's no way out, and soon it will get dark to the point where you can't see anything. You will spend the night with the goat. When you wake up, you and the goat will have breakfast...and the dead husband is on the menu. (Sleeping with a widowed goat and then eating the husband. Yeah, that's totally normal.) If you interact with the dead husband, Ark can't bring himself to eat it, and the widowed wife tells him he must become stronger if he is to continue alone. The goat will then move to the back wall, and if you speak to it, you'll learn that the ice is thin on the back wall. The goat will break it, only to realize that you will be the only one that will be able to continue on, as you're the only one who can climb it. The goat will be able to escape one way or another.

When you climb up the wall, you'll be back at the part just past the bridge.

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