Wednesday, February 27, 2019

SlimKirby plays The Simpsons: Hit and Run - Part 14 of 22

I don't want to say it was aliens, was aliens.

For the next mission, drive to the Krusty Burger by the construction site and talk to Krusty the Clown. Apu will ask for information of the distribution of Buzz Cola, and Krusty tells Apu to tail a more "professional" scumbag such as the local police. He also tells Apu that he will have more luck if he "looks more American."

If you haven't gotten it already, go buy the American costume for Apu. Once you do that, head to the spot at the Krusty Burger and look at your new outfit in the window. Once you do, you'll trigger the next mission.

Mission 4: This Little Piggy

Mission: Follow the police to find a criminal.

Get in your vehicle, and follow the trail of donuts to find Chief Wiggum, who will be right in front of you when you collect them all in time. Follow Chief Wiggum to find a professional criminal, and in this case, it will be Snake. Talk to Snake, and Apu will ask for his assistance. Snake tells Apu that if he picks up the litter for his community service, he will help him.

Mission 5: Never Trust A Snake

Mission: Collect all the garbage before time runs out. Don't miss any pieces of garbage!

Oh, boy. This is probably one of the hardest missions in the game. The music more than makes up for it, though.

Follow the garbage truck and collect the garbage. This seems harder than it sounds, since there is a huge delay between pieces of trash being dropped and the garbage truck seems to want to run into walls.

When you pick up five pieces of trash from the truck, YOU HAVE TO PICK UP 25 MORE ON THE STREETS. This is where the mission gets difficult. The fact that you don't gain any time from the first part of this mission to add to the second part you have to get out of your vehicle and pick them up near the monorail area doesn't make this much easier. There is even garbage on the roof! Why is there garbage on the roof?!? More importantly, why has it taken me this long to question anything in a game on these blogs?

You'll definitely want to do the next part as quickly as you can, because you will be cutting it close. Once again, you have to do everything in three minutes, and when you complete one part of the mission, you don't get any extra time to make this easier. From here, you'll want to head back to the DMV. When you make it to Snake, the timer mercifully stops.

Snake will tell you that his friend at the DMV has the info you need. Head into the DMV and pick up the folder. Apu will notice it is empty. Talk to Snake again, and he will ask for your help again.

Mission 6: Kwik Cash

Mission: Help Snake with his "community service." Destroy the armored car and avoid Chief Wiggum!

You'll be in Snake's convertible for this one. Drive to the Googolplex, and watch out for Chief Wiggum. You'll eventually pass him on your destination, and what you'll want to do is turn around and take the jump on the broken section of the freeway. You'll lose Wiggum. Turn around and head back to the Googolplex. You'll soon see the armored car, and you'll want to destroy it by guiding it into a wall or other cars. Do not take the armored car head on; you will pay for it.

When you finally destroy the armored car, drive to Snake's hideout. Before you can make it there, however, you'll have to deal with Chief Wiggum again. If you can drive carefully and use the park as a shortcut, you'll be able to lose him again. Now you can get to Snake's hideout. Snake will reveal that the Buzz Cola trucks are registered to the museum.

Bart will be nearby. Talk to him to start the last mission of Level 5. He will tell you that the museum closes in five minutes, and that you will have to get there quickly.

Some of the collector cards are on the freeway, and you'll have to ramp off at an angle in order to get them.

Mission 7: Curious Curator

Mission: Drive tot he museum before the curator leaves.

This time around, you'll be taking Bart's car - the Ferrini, which is the red convertible he drove to Nashville in. Drive to the museum. When you make it there in time, you'll see the curator speeding away. Destroy their car to get the key to the museum. The curator is fast, but you'll be able to take them down by crashing into them repeatedly or getting them to hit something at a high speed.

Once you destroy the curator's car, race back to the museum before time runs out. You'll end the level and get a cutscene. Apu notices Buzz Cola dripping from a meteor, and when it drips onto a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton, the skeleton gets red eyes and comes to life. Bart accidentally trips on a power cord, however, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex falls apart. Apu and Bart investigate and find Kodos and Krang behind an air vent. Kodos and Krang are worried about the ratings for their show, "Foolish Humans," and that despite the wasp cameras recording the citizens of Springfield unknowingly doing dumb things for alien entertainment, the ratings are down in all demographics. They plan to introduce Buzz Cola into the town's water supply to make everyone go mad and supply laser guns to them at the Squidport, causing everyone to destroy themselves and the town simply to give their show ratings. 

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