Sunday, February 3, 2019

Octotiggy plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES) - Part 10 of 10

Octo and Tiggy may not have beaten Judge Doom, but the strategies here should be good enough. Until next time.

WARNING: The placements of the items in this Let's Play are random. While you can get all these items, where and when you will come across will vary. You should be able to get an idea of what you should do, should you be stuck at a certain point, but everything about the placement of the items is random.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

In this part, Octo and Tiggy come back having used a code that give them all the items. Here are the ones that were missed:

Meat: Used to lure the black dog away from the item it may be guarding.

Baseball: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel. Also used to get access to Judge Doom's factory.

Boxing Glove: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

Brick: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

Custard Pie: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

Six-Shooter: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

Cigar: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

Portable Hole: Used as a weapon against the straitjacket weasel.

At the Doom Factory, equip the baseball and throw it at the weasel blocking the door, then throw it at the weasel. As the weasel runs towards the ball, get to the door quickly, before the weasel catches you.

You'll then face Judge Doom, who will try to kill you by "staring daggers at you." Seriously, he shoots out dagger projectiles. Go up the ladder in the center of the room, and keep your distance. All of your items at him will do no damage, and the bombs and cigars will only do minimal damage should you be able to use them. Stay away from the projectiles he shoots out. If Judge Doom leaps back, his projectiles will go a little bit farther, so back away further to compensate.

The punchline meter acts as a life bar. Doom's health is the marker on the left. Your health is the marker on the right. If your marker reaches the D in "END," you lose. If Doom's marker reaches the N in "END", you've almost won. 

Get in close, watch him so he doesn't shoot projectiles, then hit him with your strongest punches and move out. You have to hit the A button with a slow enough rhythm so that you can hit Judge Doom with multiple punches while keeping the power of your punches intact. If you get in close, he will also try to punch you as well. Charge up your punch and let him have it a couple of times, then move back before he can hurt you. You want to trap him on the far left; if you can do that, you can hit Doom loads of times if you can keep a pattern going. This is what you want to do, as this will let you finish him off quickly.

When you run Doom's health marker all the way down to the middle, he will fall off the platform. Climb down the ladder leading to the platform you just fought on, then head to the truck, climb up the ladder leading to the roof of the truck and grab the Dip Cannon. Switch to the Dip Cannon in your inventory, then climb up the ladder and press B repeatedly to keep shooting dip at him as he charges at you. Otherwise, you're dead. Once you take down Judge Doom with the Dip Cannon, he's done. You'll rescue Roger and Jessica Rabbit, then get your one screen ending. You just beat one of the hardest games ever.

Here's a video from Game Gods TV that shows the honest way of beating Judge Doom.

Here's a video from TheUtilityMan that shows Judge Doom going down fast. Happy gaming, everyone.

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