Monday, February 11, 2019

crabbyRhys plays Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon - Part 4 of 4

We've reached Jake Westboro's brain! We're almost there!

The Brain

Dr. Ronan has successfully fixed the damage caused by Jake's smoking. Now he must fight Jake's addiction to cigarettes. Remove the nicotine addiction.

Before you can do that, though, you have to fly through another Mode 7 arteries section. Just like last time, fly through the holes in the plaque walls, keep a finger on the fire button and dodge the yellowed blood cells when necessary. If necessary, stay in one of the four corners of the screen and stay there to avoid all the ruined blood cells.

You'll then be in the brain itself. The red lines are the platforms. If anything is flashing, it is nicotine addiction. Destroy it - and anything - with the flamethrower when necessary, because this level is pretty long and you won't have time to destroy absolutely on it.. Keep following the path that you see on the map, and you should eventually make it to the end.

Near the end, you'll encounter a bunch of pills of all five colors. You'll eventually see the glowing yellow fog, which is the "final nicotine addiction" and is guarded by two of those flying drones. Take out the final nicotine addiction and the two drones, and you're done! You just beat Rex Ronan!

Rex Ronan flies out through Jake Westboro's ear, and not only does Rex Ronan's techniques take the world by storm, but Jake Westboro survives and his tell-all book about his cigarette addiction puts the Blackburn Tobacco Company out of business! You've won! Enjoy your hastily-made credits sequence!

True statements:
Smoking cigarettes decreases your sense of smell.
Chewing tobacco is as addictive as smoking.

False statements:
It is easy to quite smoking anytime (no, it isn't).

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