Tuesday, February 5, 2019

HCBailly plays Faxanadu - Part 3 of 9

In this episode, we get some fountains back up and running and go to an area we're not exactly meant to go to yet.

If you're playing along with HCBailly at this point, you'll probably have the Magic Shield. If you get it now, you'll never have to buy another shield in the game.

Past the Tower of Trunk, use the Mattock to break the brown wall tiles in your path. This wall comes back when you leave the screen and come back, so be careful. Also, if you keep going between this screen and the one above and beat up monsters as you go, you'll get a Red Potion.

Now for those new enemies on the road to Forepaw. The ghost enemies fly around at an angle and always drop bread. The mushroom head zombies move slowly, can jump up from time to time and also always drop bread. The man in the white hood shoots fireballs that can be protected against easily with the Magic Shield, and they can easily be stabbed with the Hand Dagger or whatever weapon you have for the 115 Golds they always drop.

The glove increases your attack power temporarily, so jump the platforms and go get it. Unfortunately, it does not come with its own timer. Some items work this way.


The tool shop sells the Long Sword (which deals double the damage of the Hand Dagger and has more range) and the Studded Mail (which has twice the defense of the last armor you had). Get both of them and equip the Wing Boots allow you to fly for a limited time and is an item that takes up inventory space, and if you use it, it does come with a timer that you can see on the heads-up display at the top of the screen.

If you bought Red Potions in Apolune, you can sell them for more than you bought them for in the tool shop here. You can take advantage of this for a little more Golds.

There is a meat shop here where you can eat dried meat for 150 Golds. It's still less expensive than the doctor here.

One villager will tell you that water from three springs flows into a nearby fountain. If you find the three springs, you can return the water from each to the fountain to revive it. This fountain is somewhere in the sky, and if you go down from the town, you'll find a place where the sky opens above. The fountain is there, but you need Wing Boots to reach it.

Fountain Area

The first screen out of Forepaw has three ghosts, and if you can hit them in the right spot, you can get a lot of bread to replenish your health with. You can also go to the screen below that and go back and forth between it and the screen to the left to get the bread off the one ghost repeatedly.

If you go up from here and keep going back and forth between this screen and the one before it while beating up enemies, you can get ointment. It has no timer, but if you pick it up, you will be invulnerable to damage from physical strikes (but not projectiles) for a brief period of time.

From the screen above where you exited Forepaw from, go two screens left. You'll find one of the fountains and a door before it. Enter it with a Jack Key equipped to go in. Welcome to the Tower of Fortress.

Tower of Fortress

Believe it or not, you're not supposed to go here first; however, the game lets you. There are some advantages to coming here before you're supposed to, though.

The brown bottle that looks like a Red Potion (but is brown instead) above the starting point is the bottle of poison. If you touch it, you will take some damage.

This dungeon has four floors, and there is a bit of a fork. One direction will take you to Wing Boots and an Elixir that is blocked by a boss battle, and the other takes you to an old man who you will need to talk to in order to release the water from the fountain. If you do not have an Elixir (either by having used the one you bought in Eolis or just plain not having one), you will have to take on the boss first, get the Elixir from behind him, then go all the way back to the old man to use the Elixir to revive the Spring of Trunk. Press A when he asks if he can use your Elixir, then you'll release the water from the fountain. The old man will then tell you to go to Mascon after water flows into the fountain and find the poison the Dwarfs hide, or else the Elves with be destroyed.

The flies fly back and forth, changing their altitude from time to time. You'll learn to time when to hit

To fight the big worm enemy just before the boss, just stand on the wall next to the ladder and strike to the right to hit it in the head when it comes close. That enemy will not be able to touch you, and you'll easily get a ton of coins.

For the boss, just run past him. The boulders do a lot of damage, but if you're fast, they won't hit you. Go up the ladder and grab the Elixir, then go left and repeatedly attack the boss from behind for some Golds and free Wing Boots.

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