Thursday, February 28, 2019

SlimKirby plays The Simpsons: Hit and Run - Part 15 of 22

Well, we now know what the aliens are doing...but first: side missions!

Milhouse's race is a simple oval. Finally, a simple race! Just don't make too many mistakes on this one.

Professor Frink will be near the park, and he is the source of the bonus mission for this level. He will ask you if you have seen some sort of hovering death machine, which he calls the Hovercar, and tells Apu that the Hovercar became sentient when he installed the on-board computer. He asks Apu to get the Hovercar off the road before the authorities find him and take him away again.

Bonus Mission: Kinky Frinky

Mission: Find and disable the hovercar before time runs out!

You have three minutes to do this one, which makes sense, given how fast the Hovercar is. Sometimes, however, the hovercar goes a little bit too fast and does a little bit of damage to itself. Nevertheless, the Hovercar will go everywhere, and you'll have to drive pretty well to keep up with it.

When you destroy the Hovercar, thirty seconds will be added to your time. Make it back to Professor Frink before time runs out. You'll unlock the Hovercar as your reward.

In Ralph's race, you'll be racing against Bart's Ferrini. Bart drives pretty well, so knowing where the shortcuts are and being able to build an early lead are both essential.

In Nelson's race, be careful near the tunnel area. It is possible to run into other drivers, and the computer-controlled opponents will sometimes tend to do the same. When possible, drive on the right side of the road both ways.

For completing the races, you unlock the El Carro Loco, which has some very good speed and handling. The acceleration isn't that bad and the toughness is about average. You may find it useful for races in the future.

The wager race is near the bank, which is near the fire truck that acts as a ramp. Be sure to utilize shortcuts for this race, as the NPC traffic can be pretty horrendous.

The collector cards for Level 5 are as follows:

Apu's T-Shirt: The "Don't Have A Cow, Man!" shirt from when Lisa became a vegetarian.

Pin Pals Shirt: The shirt worn by Hormer's bowling team, which Apu was a part of.

Prop 24 Sign: Protest sign wielded by anti-immigrant mob members.

Baby Feeder: The vest with eight bottles that Apu wore to feed the octuplets.

Ganesh Costume: Worn by Homer to try to stop an arranged marriage between Apu and Manjula.

Chutney Squishee: Apu's failed Slushee idea.

Hot Dog: The filth encrusted hot dog that got Apu fired from the Kwik-E-Mart briefly.

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