Friday, February 1, 2019

Octotiggy plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES) - Part 7 of 10

In this episode, Octo and Tiggy get the rattle and talk to a snake, then head to the north where all the caves are.

WARNING: The placements of the items in this Let's Play are random. While you can get all these items, where and when you will come across will vary. You should be able to get an idea of what you should do, should you be stuck at a certain point, but everything about the placement of the items is random.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

0:23 - Finally, we have the rattle.

3:03 - When you give the rattle to the snake, you have to talk to the snake. He will give you a hint much like Jessica Rabbit.

3:28 - Far to the right of the cave is yet another cave...

5:14 - This is what happens when you leave a building and don't get away from the rat in time.

7:22 - This tunnel takes you to another area. If you know where to look, you can find a piece of the will. It should be noted that there is one will piece per "quadrant" - one in Burbank, one in the park where all the caves are, one in Toontown and one in the Judge Doom area - and once you find a will piece in a "quadrant," you won't have to search it again. It helps to have pen and paper nearby so you can write down where you found your will pieces.

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