Thursday, December 28, 2017

Cornshaq plays Kung Fu

Here's that NES beat-'em-up classic Kung Fu, also known as Kung Fu Master and Spartan X.

You are Thomas, and you must save your girlfriend Sylvia from the evil Mr. X! Travel up five floors, defeat the enemies, avoid the dangers, and beat Mr. X at his own game!

Game B is harder than Game A as enemies are faster and more numerous. 2-Player Mode is, of course, alternating.

You do have a life bar, so you won't die in one hit unlike other games from the time this game came out.

Use Left and Right to move. Press Up to jump and Down to crouch. A lets you punch and B lets you kick.

Floor 1

The enemies here are pretty easy. Punch or kick them when they get near you.

If you see the knife throwing guy, you'll want to take him out immediately. Duck under the high knives and jump over the low ones, and immediately attack him twice to defeat him, unless you want to be stabbed at point-blank range.

The boss is some guy with a stick. Get close so he attacks, then move back when he rears the stick back. When he attacks, smack him immediately, then move away when he rears back again. Repeat until he's dead.

Floor 2

The pots can easily be broken with a punch or kick while still in midair.

The green ones send out a snake that comes after you if they break. You can jump over them, or you can crouch and kick them to get rid of them.

The greenish-yellow disk-like objects can also be destroyed, but if you can't get them in time, they release a dragon that spits fire and disappears. If you're near one, duck down to avoid the flame and attack it immediately. The yellow ones that shake in mid-air are the worst. If you don't take them out right away, they'll split into a downward three-way shot that does a lot of damage if the shards hit.

Midway through, you'll meet the normal enemies.

To beat the boss, duck over the first boomerang, jump over the second, then immediately pummel him repeatedly. Dodge the boomerangs when they return.

Beating this stage will give you a cutscene, then it's on to Floor 3.

Floor 3

The green midgets show up here. Their flip attacks do a good amount of damage, but most of the time they'll stay low to the ground and vulnerable to a crouching punch or kick. If they show up in packs, at least one of them will do the attack. You can stand up to hit them with a jump kick or punch, assuming you can do so in time.

The boss is a heavy-set guy in a wifebeater. Get in front of him and duck under his punches, then attack him as he punches. If he kicks at you, you can jump over the kick or back away from him.

Floor 4

The hornets take one hit to kill. Punch or kick them when they're at attack level. If you need to, crouch down.

Halfway through the stage, the hornets will stop showing up. You'll eventually meet a hunchback who can throw fireballs. Get in front of him, duck to avoid his fireballs and attack. When he teleports, watch for where the cloud is so you can get in front of him when he reappears. Keep crouch attacking until he's dead. If you use a standing attack, he'll just keep teleporting, so remember to duck for the whole battle.

Floor 5

After the cutscene repeats, it's the last floor. Try to take as little damage as possible.

To beat Mr. X. Get in close and crouch kick from a distance. Hit him a few times, then back off from his attack. Repeat until he's dead. He slowly regains health, too, so keep that in mind.

When you beat Mr. X, you'll save Sylvia. From here, you'll go back to Floor 1 and play the game all over again.

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