Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bladedlightning/CaptainVulgarity plays Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions - Part 10 of 11

You got lucky this time, Duck Dodgers! brought more lives? Cheater...

The Greatest Show Off Earth


Section 2

Take the elevator all the way down and defeat the Martian for the Electricity Gun.

Go right, drop down, go left, take the next elevator all the way down. Jump on the second car. Take the platform above you and go right (going left here takes you to some fuel if you need it, as well as a Continue Gem if you can get past the turrets).

You'll get a Bomb Gun if you keep going right, though, followed by some platform to jump up. Go left and follow the path, then go right and destroy the walking cannon. Take the elevator down to the next level, jump between the platforms after the turrets fire, and drop down.

Go left, and after the turret, drop down and go right. Shoot the humanoid down for an Orange Juice. Jump on the column and go right to fight Marvin and K-9. Finally, his Martian dog finally makes an appearance!

They'll both appear on-screen with a ridiculously long cannon. Keep shooting even after they've fired - they have a Five-Way Gun that's pretty nasty. Thankfully, the blaster can destroy all the shots at once if you can time it right. They'll appear on the other side of the screen and fire it at you again, then repeat. They're not that hard.

Section 3

Take the elevator up, jump up the platforms and the platforms and keep going right to get a Continue Gem.

Return to the start and go down. Follow the path all the way to the lowest part of the level. Go right, jump onto the platform and to the right to keep going, drop down, keep going right (there's an Orange Juice above the first car), then jump onto the column at the dead end and follow the path.

Just before the elevator is another Orange Juice if you need it. Take the elevator all the way up, go right, take out the humanoid, go right and start making your way down. When you reach the cars, go right and defeat the Martian. There's an Orange Juice above him.

Go right, kill the Martian, take the elevator up and follow the path upwards to get another Continue Gem. Go down two levels and take the elevator up one. Make your way up as you go left. You'll find another Orange Juice when you go right after the fork in the road and look amongst the upper platforms.

There's an elevator at the right-most end, there's a fuel can just below you and a Three-Way Gun below that. Now take the elevator all the way up. Jump up the platforms. Reaching the Section 3 boss should be dead simple from here.

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