Tuesday, July 30, 2013

marioatwlink plays Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! - Part 7 of 9

Do you remember that episode that mocks Star Wars, complete with Duck Vader, the duck-helmeted Stormtroopers and Plucky Duck as Luke Skywalker?

Hope you do, because this episode gets its whole level at the end of the game!

Level 6: Star Wars

Strangely enough, you're still playing as Buster, though, and you have to rescue Princess Babs (who unsurprisingly looks like Princess Leia).

Good gravy, the music here is really awesome.

The first section has its share of bomb-throwing robots and Imperial Stormtroopers at the beginning. Make your way to the left first, climb up the ladder after running up all those walls and you'll be on the ship. Go right, climb up the next ladder, then go left. Dash and slide past the Stormtroopers to get the key. Head back to the keyhole, duck to put the key in and you'll be able to make your way inside.

The second section is in outer space and is chock-full of Star Destroyer wanna-bes in the background that look like wedges of cheese. The whole screen auto-scrolls, and to make matters worse, you're being shot at by something you can't see or destroy. When you see a barrier, get directly behind it so that the giant laser in the background won't damage you when everything flashes white. When you see that glint in the background, you know one is coming. When you're close to the end (which is after that wall you have to run up), take the ladder upwards and hide behind the barrier. Congrats, you won't have to deal with those lasers anymore. All that's left to do is to grab the gold Carrot trophy, climb back down, and walk into the next section.

Hit the switch in front of you to reverse the gravity and send the ball careening into the ceiling. Go left from here (you'll be walking on the ceiling at this point) and hit the switch to bring it back down. Do this a few more times and you'll be able to get a secret room full of stars at the top and the ability to continue your quest at the bottom.

When you enter the room with the pinball bumper, a robot will come in. When it does, the room closes up and the robot will fly around. Avoid the robot and collect as many stars as you can while you drop kick the robot twice. (Love the fact that when you die in this room, stars will touch you and you'll [b]still[/b] collect them. You can get a 1-Up if you're dead in this game...that's a first.)

The fourth section is a dashing course. You can take either the hard course or the easy course, which is further to the right. Basically what you want to do here is run up the walls avoiding the "Out" switches, which sends barrels falling down from the other side. The switches you want to hit are the Gogo Dodo switches (which refill your Dash meter) and the star switches (which send three big stars down at you, touching one of them gives you ten stars). This is your last big chance to farm on lives, so if you need some, get them now. The easy course has a halfway point that you can go back to if you fall, but the hard course has to be done in one shot. (At least it's easier to farm on lives in the hard course.)

The fifth section is back to standard platforming action. Once you make it onto the platform, jump and go to the left. Hold left down to bounce off the rope. You'll careen through the pipe and end up at a large platform on the other side. Next are a bunch of levers that push balls and Stormtroopers up and down. Avoid the balls and take out the Stormtroopers. One of the new bad guys you'll meet here are those ducks with the big, bulging heads that asked Plucky to save their planet in the aforementioned Tiny Toons episode. (Why they're here as enemies, I'll never know.) Going further right will take you to a maze of ladders and platforms. Avoid the balls that bounce back and forth on the ropes, and watch out for all those Stormtroopers again!

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