Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DeceasedCrab plays Peasant's Quest - Part 1 of 6

I'm using DeceasedCrab again.

*walks around the room funny wearing socks and sandals*

In case you can't tell, this game is available on www.homestarrunner.com. Isn't too hard to find, thankfully. The game is kinda short, yet it's pretty fun.

Also, the game debuted on August 1, 2005. The 1982 copyright is a lie, as funny as it is. But hey, you gotta love the loading screen and the Apple II-esque visuals and sound.

It's like the original King's Quest. Type in commands with the keyboard and control your hero with the arrow keys. Nothing different from the original source material, really. The "tips for moro-er, beginners" screen will tell you basically everything you need to know, especially the whole "type 'inv' to check your inventory" thing as well as the fact that the plus and minus keys increase and decrease your walking speed, respectively.

Anyway, you are a peasant from Peasantry named Rather Dashing. You have returned home from a vacation at Scalding Lake only to find out that your house has been burninated (yes, burninated) by none other than Trogdor the Burninator, the most evil (and awesome) dragon that ever lived.

You start the game at the entrance to the mountain where Trogdor is. Unfortunately, it's blocked by a guard. Unless you look like a peasant, you smell like a peasant, and you're on fire like a peasant, you're not going over there.

After a few joke commands (as well as two interesting ways to just kill yourself) as well as the "pwd" command (which I didn't know about until now), we ask the knight about stuff - mostly Trogdor, the Jhonka, and the Kerrek.

Walk two screens to the east and one screen south. (You can also take other alternate ways over there, since the world is one giant rectangle. You'll find some pebbles next to the lake. Walk up to them and type in "get pebbles" to get the pebbles. They're now in your inventory and you have one point out a possible 150.

From there, go one screen left and you'll be back at your burninated house. If you examine it, you'll find an unburninated piece of paper. Pick it up. Congrats, you actually have a map. Not only is it in your inventory, you can type in "map" and see where you are.

There's not much to this entry, just a bunch of jokes.

Now go play this game already!

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