Wednesday, July 31, 2013

marioatwlink plays Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! - Part 8 of 9

We finally fight Duck Vader and finish the game!

Level 6 (continued)

Before you make it to the maze with the stormtroopers and balls, climb up to the top and you'll meet the big headed guys again. Around this part, you'll find a key. Grab it first, then go right and you'll see the platforms with the Stormtroopers. Go all the way to the right and drop to the lowest platform. Since you have the key, you'll be able to open the door. Walk into the rope and you'll be able to catapult yourself back to where we left off and skip a bit of the level in the process.

While you're making your way to the top, be mindful of both the Stormtroopers and the balls. You can't destroy the balls, but if you drop kick one it'll change direction and turn from orange to blue. When they're blue, the balls will destroy the Stormtroopers. Once you make it to the top of this part, go to the right and you'll finally face Duck Vader!

Level 6 Boss: Duck Vader

Love the background and music here!

This battle is as easy as it is interesting. Basically, you'll have to use your drop kick to manuever Duck Vader around the room and into the fire of his paralyzer beam, which spins around and fires in all its Mode 7 glory. You can stand and move around on top of the gun whenever necessary. If he locks himself onto the firing end of the gun, drop kick him away from it. As long as you don't get hit by the ray of the laser gun, you're fine.

If you have to, drop kick the gun so that it spins around. It'll still fire when it's spinning around faster than usual, so you'll have a better chance of nailing Duck Vader with the gun.

Once you beat him, we all find out it's the end of the game and that Duck Vader is actually Plucky. Yeah...the final boss was Plucky. Who would've thought?

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