Monday, December 10, 2012

lukenuetzmann plays Super Star Wars - Part 7 of 8

"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can imagine."

The Tractor Beam Core is the last side-scrolling level in the game. Ironically, it's all vertical.

The laser turrets at the sides of the elevators at the center of the screen can be shot down. If you have a thermal detonator, that's even better.

The elevators only go so high before they start dropping down. You'll have to hang out at the sides before the next one shows up, and the sides are also littered with Imperial Stormtroopers ready to snipe at you at a moment's notice.

The boss is the Tractor Beam. Shoot at the core that lets out red orbs that fly towards you. The red orbs can be shot down before they split into four smaller parts which are harder to avoid. If you shoot at any red orbs that come your way, though, you won't have to worry about avoid a lot of those things.

The best way to avoid a lot of damage is to stand on one of the top platforms and keep firing at the tractor beam core. The tractor beam will eventually be forcefully deactivated, and hopefully you can stand the slowdown.

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