Thursday, December 13, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays Karate Kid - Part 2 of 2

Level 4. Where everything gets thrown out the window.

The guys with spears take two hits. They do a lot of damage, so use any Drum Punches you have to get rid of them unless you don't have any. Sometimes they'll walk through the hills where you can't hit them, which is really strange.

Rocks will roll from the left end of the screen. Jump over them when they come.

You may see Mr. Miyagi pop up near the end. If you see him floating in mid-air, touch him to refill your life.

The boss is Chozen, this time also wearing something different just like you. Let him come to you at the left end of the platform, and keep kicking. You'll bring him down. If he gets far enough to the right to push the girl into the water, you'll lose a life.

And that's it. You just get a shitty one-screen ending with Mr. Miyagi winking. Enjoy!

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