Monday, December 10, 2012

lukenuetzmann plays Super Star Wars - Part 6 of 8

...and now we're finally in the Death Star!

When possible, stay on top every time, and use your super-jumps to stay on the platform. Han has the best super-jump of the three, since it's pretty high and he also isn't as big as Chewie. You'll be rushed at by TIE Fighters with little warning, so stay as high as you can at all times. They usually appear at certain points in the stage where platforms usually are, so don't worry about not being high enough on the screen to be able to dodge them.

The robots with the spider legs always carry the large health pick-ups for some reason. I can never understand why, especially when you're not losing that much health if you're careful.

As you progress, you'll see Imperial Stormtroopers fall down from the top of the sky. (Why the hell did I type that? I meant 'screen.') Don't let them push you into the pits!

When the platforms come back, the TIE Fighters will fly at you in bigger numbers, keep going right when you super-jump and most of the time you'll unintentionally jump over most of them if you're good enough. This may take a couple of tries before you get it down to a science. One of the platforms will have a 1-Up which you have to be quick to grab before it shakes itself out of existence.

The boss of this stage is the Imperial Defense Droid. This part automatically scrolls a bit when you first see it so that the platforms are pushed out of the way. When it extends its arm, duck to avoid damage. When it opens up to launch some missiles at you, shoot it. You'll definitely need your gun for this one if you want to survive.

In the next stage, you finally get to rescue Princess Leia from the clutches of Darth Vader...if you make it in one piece, of course.

The laser turrets on the walls that shoot at you can be destroyed. Thanks for asking. Also, there are crushing ceilings that kill you instantly if they hit you.

When you're in the vertical shafts with the platforms, robots will pop out of the openings in the walls. Keep a lookout and destroy them when you see them.

The boss here is the Detention Guard Boss. When the bottom opens up, shoot it down. Imperial Stormtroopers will also pop out of it in pairs, and they can give you health if you need it. It'll split into a smaller size when the life gauge runs down, but it'll go down in a few Plasma shots.

You've rescued Princess Leia Organa! Enjoy your cut scene!

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