Saturday, December 1, 2012

FFL2and3rocks plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Game Boy) - Part 2 of 3

Hooray! Bad level design!

Level 3 - Ranger

The first part of this level is all-vertical. Jump from one platform to the next without touching spikes. Thankfully, it's pretty easy.

The second part has spikes on the ceiling as well as small spike pits on the floor. You'll have to move carefully to avoid being hit by the Putties that jump towards you, and you'll have to jump carefully to keep from touching the spikes. Once again, some putties will throw bombs at you.

In the third section, you'll be traveling downward trying to avoid spikes. Again. Putties will also be walking back and forth throwing grenades at you. (What's with these Putties and explosives? They didn't use those on the show!) If you're playing as the Pink Ranger, though, you can use your bow on them instead of having to get up close. When you're near the end, there'll be a rather weird downward drop where spikes are littered all over the floors. If you have enough health, though, you can still make it.

Level 3 - Megazord

Wish I knew who the third boss of the game is.

Anyway, he leaps all the way to the other side of the screen, before jumping to the middle to the other end. He performs those two jumps again, then does the big jump before shooting lightning bolts at you.

Get hits on him while he's jumping around, and duck to avoid the lightning bolts.

Level 3 - Bonus

You'll be hitting bats this time. This one is about as easy as the first bonus level. Just remember that some of the bats fly around faster than others.

Level 4 - Ranger

In the first section, drop down and move all the way to the left. Jump over the pool of water (which damages you if you touch it) and punch the bats as you make your way right.

In the second section, Putties will be dropping from the ceiling with little warning, so be prepared to punch these things as soon as they come. Jump over the pools of water as you hit Putties and bats.

In the third section, you'll be jumping up stairways as you punch rocks. This part is a bit monotonous, but thankfully the rocks are all you're going to have to deal with here.

In the fourth section, avoid the bubbles, since they damage you when you touch them. Putties will be ducking and throwing grenades; attack them after they throw the third grenade.

In the fifth section, you'll be jumping upwards. It's a bit easy to avoid the falling oil drops and rocks if you know which path to take.

In the sixth section, it's more bats, more oil drops and more pools of water. Thankfully, this section is also easy as long as you know where the bats show up, as they always appear from behind in this part.

Level 4 - Megazord

Finally, you're at the boss. Whaddya know, it's Goldar!

Goldar will toss skulls at you. Hit the skull, jump over it, then hit it on the way back. You'll then be able to get close to Goldar, hit him and run away, then attack the skull again.

When you bring his health down to half, he'll stomp on the ground and cause lightning to strike from the sky. Keep moving and the lightning won't hit you. As you move around, you should definitely be able to get some shots in on him. He'll do this three times, throw a skull, and return to bringing down lightning bolts again.

Level 4 - Bonus

Hey, hey, it's skull-cracking time.

The last few skulls will come out from the left side of the screen, so be careful.

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