Friday, November 30, 2012

FFL2and3rocks plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Game Boy) - Part 1 of 3

In this game, you can choose between the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, and the Gray Ranger. Don't you just love Game Boy?

Level 1 - Ranger

Wait...did the Putties trash the wrong side of town because Rita told them to? I don't get it.

Anyway, this level's really straightforward. Putties will run towards you and you just press the B button at the right time to bitch-slap them. No, that's not a punch. That's a bitch-slap.

A little later into the stage, you'll see bombs drop from open windows when you get too close. It's kinda hard to dodge them the first play-through but as you replay it and replay it, you'll figure out where it happens.

A few of the Putties will even jump. You'll have to go airborne to hit them.

When you reach the end, the Megazord forms and the boss battle begins. Yeah, there's only one section...unlike the rest of these levels...

Level 1 - Megazord

Oh, great. It's Squatt.

Hit him when he comes towards you. He flashes and stops moving for a few seconds, then stops flashing and starts moving again.

When he starts flashing white and hiding his face, run to the other end of the screen and jump over the fireballs.

He's pretty easy.

Level 1 - Bonus

Hit all the fireballs for points. The more you hit, the more points you get. You won't get anything for hitting them all except for bragging rights.

Level 2 - Ranger

You have more power, so you can take more hits in this level than in the last. As you complete more levels, you'll gain more maximum power.

After the first three putties, a Putty will stomp the ground and cause rocks to fall down from right in front of you before he runs away. Stand still to avoid the rocks. Shortly afterwards, one will appear from behind you. Run away to avoid the rocks this time.

You'll also see dirt moving around sometimes. Run away from it and hit the Putty that comes out of the ground when he jumps out.

Also, some of the Putties will throw bombs and turn tail.

Level 2 - Megazord

The boss here is King Sphinx.

Two pillars of dirt will appear - one in front of you, one behind. Jump over them both, then hit him. He'll keep doing this over and over, but hopefully you should be close enough to hit him in-between his attacks.

When he's at half health, run away. Jump over him when he runs to the other side of the screen, and hit him while jumping over the rocks he throws.

Level 2 - Bonus

Hit the rocks!

They'll come at two different speeds (slow and fast) while coming in at two different levels of the screen (high and low), sometimes two at a time. Stay at the very left of the screen to minimize damage.

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