Monday, November 26, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 14 of 14

Everything finally comes full circle!

Use the Hands on the Darkness, and you'll wake up in a box. You'll then be in a dungeon, and the Prince will appear for a second before disappearing. Click on the Tarpaulin, and you'll get one last document. Pay attention to what's in this document...the ending will make more sense.

Use the Hands on the Tarpaulin again, and you'll find a bomb that's powerful enough to atomize the county. If you use the hands on the bomb, you'll find out it's been defused.

Walk up the stairs and into the doorway, and you'll be forced off the stairs and onto the floor by fire. This is the petrol that the Trilby clone poured on the bomb. The Prince didn't defuse the bomb. Trilby did. The fire will hit the bomb, causing it to explode and take you with it.

You'll see a news report, followed by the Caretaker wondering what the Prophecy was really supposed to do before he waits for the timeline of 7 Days a Skeptic to begin.

Theo Dacabe will be inside Chzo, and as the Prince approaches him, the eye of Chzo opens and pins him to the wall with a laser beam. This laser beam sucks out his powers and gives them to Theo, making him the new Prince. He floats into the air and knocks the old Prince (now the Arrogant Man) all the way back and into a pit. If you use the hands on Chzo, it says "protect him always," and if you use the eye on Chzo, it says "my king."

Move towards the pit and you'll see both the Arrogant Man hanging off the edge as well as the last Trilby clone. Using the eye on Trilby says "the guide." If you use the eye on the Arrogant Man, you'll get "take his place."

Use the Hands on him and you'll cause him to fall to the ground, as you, the New Prince, finally get a staff and knock him into the blackness. Theo Dacabe is now Chzo's new chosen one.

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