Friday, November 23, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 9 of 14

Well, we're down one ally. Now what?

Go back to the room you woke up in, and use the Hands on Samantha's body. You'll find that her ID Badge is gone. Also, if you go to the sleeping quarters, you'll find the door is locked. You'll have to talk to her through the cellphone, but even then she won't help you.

Go back to the security room, switch to Camera 5 and input the password again, and then go to the touchscreen and choose "Download current image." Now you can show her what's inside the Hub, and she'll be able to come out. She'll then wait for you outside the Hub. Talk to her and ask for the ID, then take it to the lab and show it to Trilby. The way Samantha died will trigger more of his memories.

You'll be at the Hub, and after some hesitation Janine and Trilby will open the door only to find out it won't budge. You'll have to go back to the security room and open the fuse box to fix this. Open the fuse box door, then use the staple on it. Problem solved!

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