Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 1

Well, thanks to stuff beyond my control, I'm covering this game again...again.

This time around, everything's in widescreen and there isn't as much crapping around, since ultima is better at this game than he was last time (the video of which is lost to time and space forever).

Since I'm basically covering a game for the third straight time (for GameTrailers, anyway), I'm basically going to make this blog longer by throwing in more of my thoughts on the game in addition to the FAQ portion.

As I mentioned earlier, moving around in the game is like moving around in the original Sonic the Hedgehog, and when you get hit, the mechanics to that are like the original Castlevania.

Since I did a lot more watching than I did writing this time around, and had to make only a few edits since I was linking to certain times in the old (and now removed) LP, I paid more attention to the level design, which ultimachocobo86 described as "a sheer nightmare." What's interesting about that statement is that it's actually correct - kinda. You have to get some speed going in order to make some basic platform jumps that you wouldn't have problems with in other platformers, and parts of the game are harder than they should be simply because of the controls. It's also not an unusual occurrence to be catching big air and going as far to the right as possible only to run into a wall of spikes, especially in the later rounds where there's spikes a-plenty!

ultimachocobo86 gets into the game quickly as he runs through the first two worlds faster than he did last time, but even when you have a good grasp of the game, you're still gonna see some serious fried chicken by the time you reach Round 3-1. Also, I finally have a grasp on how those platforms that lower you in that lower path in Round 3-1 finally work. You don't have to go back and get some speed, but it does help if you know how to slow down and know the level design well enough. They're still a pain in the ass.

Also, invincibility trumps the shield. What the hell.

- PrinceWatercress, 11/27/2012

Anyway, "Lesson" starts you at 0-1, while "Start" takes you to 1-1.

I kinda mentioned in the link that this Japan-only game controls like Sonic to some degree...but it's kinda evil. You'll need to collect coins to get power-ups from the vending machines, and the learning curve is a bit high. But it's still better than the LJN games, I'll tell you that.

Anyway, in the tutorial level, you start out automatically with the hoverboard in 1985...as well as Marty Jr.'s clothes. (Why? I don't know. The Japanese are weird like that, I guess.) Like in Sonic, it takes a while to get going, but once you do...oh, how fast you go!

Make it a habit to keep on spinning while you're in mid-air. It'll be a habit that will save your life and keep you from experiencing unnecessary deaths. At least you have unlimited continues...but still, I'm gonna put it out there. Doing that helps. A lot.

Round 0-1

Password: BACK


This level is pretty straightforward. Grab as many coins as you can as you make your way through the level. Don't forget: when you finish a level, you get 100 coins just for making it to the exit!

To break boxes, just run through them. Sometimes you'll find coins in them, sometimes you won't.

To activate switches, just run through them as well.

To activate a power-up, just run through the vending machine. If you have enough coins, you'll exchange those for the power-up.

At the end of this level, you'll get a cutscene where you meet your girlfriend Jennifer, and Doc Brown takes you to the year 2015. You'll also see a short cinematic that takes place with a Mode 7 DeLorean, as well.


Round 1-1

Password: OPEN

To defeat enemies, jump on top them while spinning, just like in Sonic. You'll have to be in an actual jump. Again, like Sonic. Once again, if you're not, you'll take damage. And with three hits, there are opportunities where if you're not careful, you'll die...and die...and die.

Whenever you defeat an enemy, you'll get one coin. The more you defeat, the more help you'll have at getting power-ups out of the vending machines.

The police officers' bullets can be destroyed with a spin jump. They don't give you coins, though.

Get used to seeing areas where you're climbing through vertical areas with platforms you can jump through at the end to reach the next "floor" (as well as the enemies in them) in the levels that take place outside. This won't be the last time you'll see a building like this. It's easy here, but later on...

To jump on the springs, you don't necessarily have to jump on them. Instead, you can run over them and they'll take you pretty high.

You'll see some kids throwing those soda cans later in the game. Right now, don't worry about defeating them. Just run right past them and you'll do just fine.

Round 1-2

Password: BOSS

Here's your first meeting with Griff Tannen. The buttons at the lower corners will hit him with the flat-screen TVs (ah, the rounded screens!), but they only work once. You'll have to spin jump on top of him when he's not spinning those baseball bats around.

He'll hit the ground with the bats and cause things to fall down, but that attack is easy to avoid.

After you defeat him (which doesn't take very long), you'll see a cutscene where he sends three of his goons after you. You'll have to fight them in the next stage.

Round 2-1

Password: HEAD

Love the music in this one.

Anyway, it looks like you're in the 2015 version of the Downtown area, according to the background. I guess.

This is where you'll see the spikes for the first time. Sometimes they'll move around, sometimes they'll be in a line keeping you from entering an area, sometimes they guard something until you hit a switch or perform a certain action such as defeat an enemy (you'll see a bit of that last one here). Regardless, they're really small, they're cheap half the time and they're really obnoxious. So be on your guard.

If you're fast enough after triggering the switch that moves the wall of spikes upward, you can spin jump high enough to defeat the first goon in an instant.

The wall behind him can be climbed on. Just keep jumping towards it and you'll climb up to the top of the wall. You may have to jump off the floating robot to reach the top here, as it's harder to jump to the very top of the wall at times until you get used to it. Be careful not to take damage when you reach the end of the climbable wall.

The flying cars act as platforms. You may experience some slowdown here (hey, the game isn't perfect, but it's still pretty good), but that's about all you'll have to deal with. You'll have to jump over the spikes after they are to the left of the path forward after the cars.

Jump down the pit, and you'll fight the blond girl with the ponytails. Keep spinning while you jump, and you'll keep bouncing on her and spinning until you land on her when she's on the ground. (She stands there for about two seconds before continuing her attack.) Once you defeat her, you'll be able to jump on some platforms and continue on.

The guys on the hoverboards will only come down if you run over the switch that lets them down. Taking it slow here helps.

The third goon does nothing but shoot sonic waves out of his guitar. After that long drop, speed up and take a huge spin jump. You'll come down right on the guy's head and knock him out.

After that, you'll be able to jump onto a platform, jump over the dead end and head to the exit!

Round 2-2

Password: FROG


It's Griff again. This time, you'll have to press the two switches at the center of the screen, timing it so that when the big geyser of water comes out, Griff is in the center of the screen. This will send him flying into the roof of the mansion in the background. After doing this about five or six times, he's done.

He'll stop in one of the corners and throw those baseball bats at you again. If you stay under him, you won't have to worry about that.

If you can somehow sneak up behind him and do a spin jump on him when he lowers himself to flatten you with his hoverboard (which he does every so often), you'll land a free hit.

You'll then get a cutscene. Old Man Biff Tannen will climb into the DeLorean and travel into time...but why?

Round 3-1

Password: IRON

When this game hits Round 3-1, you're gonna see some serious fried chicken.

Looks like you're in the wrong side of town...bikers and gangsters are everywhere...how are you going to survive?

The bikers are really weird. As soon as you're in the vicinity, they roll around in what looks like a drunken stupor. Your best bet is to spin jump on or over them, to keep from taking an unnecessary hit.

Not long after the start, you'll see these bikers somersaulting down to the ground. You'll have to spin jump and work your way up with the floating platforms. Spin jump whenever bad guys are near you, so you don't take any unnecessary damage.

You'll take a platform across some spikes, then shortly afterwards you'll see a blue car with some guy in it. Destroying him lets out another guy, which lets out yet another guy who throws stuff when you defeat him. Don't touch the car at all; even if there's nobody in it, you'll still take a hit from touching it. (Geez, why can't the car just disappear?)

After you drop down the next chasm, you'll deal with guys on motorcycles, which will come fast and go back and forth in a specific area. If you can defeat them all, great. If not, just spin jump over them all and get away as quickly as possible.

You'll then have the choice between the high road and the low road. The low road is full of ceilings lined with spikes, and a platform that lowers you and make it nearly impossible to get around if you're not fast enough to get past them. When you find a break in the spikes, spin jump. A biker is about to come your way.

If you go all the way down after this part, you'll find 30 coins, which can prove useful if you're not doing so hot. Take the platform, then after this last group of bikers is the goal.

The cutscene you see afterwards shows Marty in from of Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise (I still have to laugh at "PALADISE"). You also see the "Biff Tannen Museum." What happened that caused Biff Tannen to be so awesome?

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