Thursday, December 6, 2012

KKoserYaks plays the Water Tower...also, hints for the Ralph Stage!

Skip to 6:56.
 This is what the stage looks like. This is the only way I can show it to you...sorry.

The Water Tower Stage

You can only go here if you've lost a Warner.

This one is dead simple if you know what to do.

Take the boomerang before you do anything. You will need it. Then jump on the platform.

Throw the boomerang at the vultures to defeat them. This is the only way to kill them, obviously.

Also, when you see Ralph, jump! He'll shoot water at you to knock you off the platform. You can't defeat Ralph, sadly.

When you see the balloons to your left, get off the platform and jump off them to reach the top of the tower! Congratulations, you've released your siblings!

Don't worry if you lose can't lose another Warner if you die at the water tower.

Ralph Chase

If Ralph catches up to you on the map, you'll end up here. Wish I had a video for this one so I could show it to you in further detail, but it's not really necessary.

This "stage" is just a straightforward horizontal stage on a road in the Warner Bros. lot. Ralph starts to chase you after you walk past him. Your best bet is to dash to the right and jump over Ralph when he gets too close.

Avoid the red guys at all costs. Even if you dash into them, you will slow down considerably upon doing so, and you want to keep your momentum when Ralph is chasing after you. Once you go far enough to the right, the Warners will dash away from him.

Yes, you can lose a Warner to Ralph here. Just saying.

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