Friday, February 28, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 31 of 51

In our second side-story, Captain Syrup's goons enter the cellar instead of escaping out of the castle and through the forest. This should prove interesting.

Chapter 1: One Noisy Morning

Story 5: Defeat the giant snake

This time around, you'll want to take the secret exit that can be found by breaking through walls to find hidden areas. This will take you to a brand new side-story where Captain Syrup's goon enter the cellar instead of the forest.

Chapter 2: Go To The Cellar

Story 1: Defeat the giant spear man

Be prepared to ground pound a lot to keep enemies, especially the pelicans, away from you.

The dark areas are lit up with switches that you can turn on by hitting them from underneath. You'll need to do this in order to get through the level. The one near the ghosts has some coins has some coins above it. Hitting that one to turn some lights off, and you'll have to feel your way through the previously lit areas to figure out where the door leading to a previously dark area was. This time around, the formerly dark area will be lit up, and you'll be able to find the treasure room, where you can win a magic torch.

The barrels can be smashed by tackling them or ground pounding them.

The giant spear man is above where the monsters get aggressive when you attack one of their own. He is defeated the same way you beat him the first two times, which is ground pounding him to death. Don't forget to get that inverted color coin afterwards.

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