Wednesday, February 12, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 15 of 51

Let's get out of the woods...but before we do that, we need to defeat a giant bee!

Chapter 3: Maze Woods

Story 5: Defeat the giant bee!

The wasps are back. Get ready to float to higher areas and get a ton of coins. If you crouch walk with the diagonal directions on the D-Pad, you can avoid being stung.

If you high jump off the Spear Goons to the side on the way to the boss entrance, you can get some more coins.

The treasure room is hidden in the door above the one leading to the boss entrance, and you'll have to move into some hidden pits in the floor to get to the room...and more coins. You'll win some bananas for winning the treasure mini-game.

To beat the giant bee, stay away from it, and don't stand underneath it. When it drops down to crush you, jump on its head. When the tiny wasps show up, you'll want to tackle or avoid them. You're better off defeating them, as you won't have to deal with them alongside the boss if you do. If you get stung, you'll be sent back to the top of the room, and you'll be forced to go back to the boss room and start the whole battle over. After jumping on the giant bee's head three times, you'll beat the giant bee and move on to the city, where Captain Syrup and her goons flee to after getting out of Maze Woods.

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