Sunday, February 2, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 5 of 51

The exploration of our castle concludes with a giant snake. After that, we start chasing Captain Syrup's goons into the outside world where they create even more havoc!

Chapter 1: One Noisy Morning

Story 5: Defeat the giant snake

There is a door that I missed, looking at the map. Not surprisingly, it leads to coins.

There's a new enemy here: the zombie. The zombie will not only throw its head at you, but it will also turn you into Zombie Wario. As Zombie Wario, you cannot jump, you can only move left or right, you can fall through thin platforms, and you must move into sunlight coming out of a window in order to turn back into regular Wario. Tackling the zombie from behind only gets rid of it temporarily, you must run into it as a zombie to defeat it.

There is a path that leads to a secret exit; we won't be entering it yet.

The treasure in the treasure room is a glove.

The door with the skull above it leads to the boss. 

To defeat the giant snake, you'll need to avoid the snake's bite while ground pounding on its head as it moves around. After three hits, you'll take it down. If you get bitten, you'll be sent upwards and you'll have to restart the boss battle.

After beating the giant snake, Wario finds out that his treasure has indeed been stolen. As Captain Syrup's goons run off with the treasure, they also cause some havoc in the forest, and now Wario has to find his prize hen - which has been scared off by the goons - before continuing on.

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