Monday, February 17, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 20 of 51

...and now for one of the more interesting boss battles in the game.

Chapter 4: In Town

Story 5: Anyone for B-ball?

You'll have to pass by a few buildings and go through one to get to the boss. The treasure room is inside the building that you have to get through, and you can win a scooter for beating the mini-game there. The third outside section is full of birds that will dart at you if you get too close to them.

There are plenty of crates to destroy, and you can break those to get some coins.

Throw at enemy at the walls to the right of the boss door to find the secret area. We won't be using this secret area, as it won't let us fight the boss, which we want to do.

To beat the boss, you'll want to avoid the basketballs that the boss throws at you. If the boss jumps on you, you'll be turned into a basketball and thrown into the hoop unless you can somehow stay away from the boss until you turn back to normal. If you can jump on the boss yourself, you can stand between a brick wall and the background where the buildings are and hold Up while you jump up to sink the ball into the hoop. The first to three points wins. If you lose, you'll be knocked upwards into the area above and you'll have to do the boss battle again.

After the boss battle, you'll follow Captain Syrup and her goons all the way to Syrup Castle...

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