Wednesday, February 5, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 8 of 51

Compared to other levels, this one is really easy to get through as far as getting everywhere and finding everything goes.

Chapter 2: S.S. Tea Cup

Story 3: Get in the Tea Cup

Unlike other levels that we've played so far, this one is pretty linear and doesn't have a lot of deviating paths. Sure, there are a few things here and there, but this one definitely goes from one section to the next in a more linear fashion.

The seagulls act as platforms, but they will fly away soon after you land on them. They return in case you need them again, thankfully.

The monsters with the big teeth can be taken out with a tackle, but if any others are nearby, they will move back and forth and go on the attack briefly. Wait for them to stop before moving on and, when necessary, taking out the next one. If you have to miss collecting a coin to get past them all, so be it.

For the fourth section, take the upper path for a ton of coins.

The eels will try to grab you and drag you down if you get close enough. You won't be able to collect all of them, and you'll actually want the final eel to grab you and drag you down to the treasure room, which contains . This is the only way to reach the treasure room, so you're going to have to sacrifice a few coins in order to get down there.

When you reach the door as the S.S. Tea Cup and enter it, you'll clear the level.

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