Before we can chase after Captain Syrup and her goons again, we need to get our hen back to her nest.
Chapter 2: S.S. Tea Cup
Story 1: Return the hen to her nest!
The little guy with the spikes on his head unless he hits his head on a ceiling or wall, which causes him to ball up. From here, you can defeat him, but you can also pick him up and throw him. You can also jump into him from below to get him to ball up.
You can keep jumping on enemies repeatedly in order to get coins that are in the air. Holding Up on the D-Pad lets you bounce even higher.
The giant chicken is a heavier enemy, and while he can be picked up, Wario will move more slowly while carrying him and will also not be able to jump while doing so.
This is the first level where you'll have to jump after rolling down a slope to get to other narrow areas and roll through the blocks. Doing it here will lead you to some extra coins.
The treasure here looks like a Pegasus Boot.
You'll eventually find the hen, but when you approach her, she will run away. You can bump into her and stun her like you can most other enemies, and you can pick her up and carry her over to the start. When you get back there, throw her back onto her nest to complete the level.
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