The fun with this level is two-fold. Not only are you running around just to see how to get everywhere, but you'll have to eat cake and get fat just to get the platforms that take you down to the lower levels to work.
Chapter 4: In Town
Story 3: Down in the cellar
There are two kinds of platforms: those that take you up and those take you down. The ones that go up are easy to use, but to use the "down" platforms, you'll need to stand on them after eating a cake from one of the chefs and turning into Fat Wario. While you're Fat Wario, however, you won't be able to use the "up" platforms. You'll have to be normal size to get them to work. And for the love of Pete, don't forget that you can hold Up and jump to perform a high jump even as Fat Wario. That was embarrassing.
The treasure room is on the fifth floor on the right half of the building, and you'll have to get there to win a yo-yo.
The enemies that look like beetles will shock you with an electrical projectile if he sees you. You'll want to stay out of sight and not be level with him, and you'll also want to hit him from behind to get rid of him.
The guy with the hammer will turn you into Spring Wario if he hits you with the hammer. Hold A while in spring form to jump higher than normal. Spring Wario only lasts for a limited time; you'll become normal Wario again after that short period of time.
There are plenty of doors that you can enter throughout the building. Not only will you need them to find all the coins, but you'll also need them to get from one side of the building to the other.
The exit is on the first (lowest) floor. You'll need to reach the floor on the left half of the building with a chef and Fat Wario on a "down" elevator, then go through the water room to get to the other half of the building and get to the exit.
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