Thursday, February 20, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 23 of 51

The level objective is easy, but if you take your time and explore this level, you can get a ton of coins.

Final Chapter: Syrup Castle

Story 3: Defeat Four Ducks!

In the main hallway, be ready to butt stomp floors and tackle walls to find some free coins. You'll be able to find a lot before you enter any of the four individually numbered rooms. The door in the center contains a switch that will let you switch from accessing Rooms 1 and 4 and accessing Rooms 2 and 3. Just watch out for those bird enemies.

The first room is full of ghosts who will turn you into Zombie Wario and send you all the way back to the bottom. You'll need to avoid them to reach the first duck and defeat it like you would any normal enemy to get credit for part of your mission objective. The same is true for Mission 2, but you'll need to be Zombie Wario to reach the second duck as well as the treasure trove of coins at the bottom.

For Room 3, you'll need to use the block in the room to get through to the duck on the other side. If you can make a path to the top of the room, you'll be able to get a ton of coins. There are coins above where the two Spear Goons are, but you'll need to have the switch in its default position to get to them. The Spear Goons in the Spear Goon room will be gone permanently if you defeat them (unless you start the level over again).

For Room 4, you'll need to leap on the rats to get past all the spikes. To make your way to the right, you'll need to keep leaping off the left side of the rats; to go left, you'll need to keep leaping off the right side. You'll need to do this to get to the treasure room, where you can win a crystal ball, as well as to get the rest of the coins before the fourth and final duck, which you'll need to bring down with the block in order to defeat it. Once the four ducks are defeated, you'll head on to the next level.

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