Now that we're in the S.S. Tea Cup, let's drop anchor and collect a ton of treasure. Hey, who's that guy with the cake?
Chapter 2: S.S. Tea Cup
Story 4: Drop the Anchor!
The chef walks back and forth with a cake on a fork. If the cake touches you when he throws it, you'll become Fat Wario. This will allow you to break the black cracked blocks from underneath, but you'll move slowly and you won't be able to jump as high. You can still do a high jump, even though it won't be as high, and it can still get you somewhere. You can also move into enemies and bump into them to defeat them. In order to turn back into regular Wario, you'll need to move around in order to work the pounds off; you won't be able to turn back to normal by just standing there.
If you hold Up and press B, you can throw an enemy upwards when you are holding one. If you press Down while holding an enemy, you can drop them in the direction you are facing.
There are a lot of coins to be found in this level, so be ready to look high and low and also tackle some walls. Some walls require throwing an enemy at them in order to break through them and see what i s
If you duck with Down while tackling, you can slide into a narrow corridor.
The treasure here is a wing.
To drop the anchor, tackle it until it falls into the water. This ends the level.
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