Saturday, March 1, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 32 of 51

Holy cow, compared to the rest of his castle, Wario's cellar is just a deathtrap waiting to happen.

Chapter 2: Go To The Cellar

Story 2: Avoid the rocks!

There are two kinds of falling rocks. The small ones can be grabbed and thrown, but the big ones will flatten you and turn you into Flat Wario, which will allow to float and pick up coins and do thinks that you couldn't earlier. There is a part of the wall to the right at the start that you can tackle for a route to some big coins, and there is a part where you can go as Flat Wario to the left at the top of the starting point for some coins.

The small rocks can be thrown into the enemy blocks just like any other enemy, and it will break those blocks. Waiting for the big rocks is harder, as they always show up randomly. They'll show up, though.

Use a jumping tackle to get rid of the bats in the part where you have to jump over the water. In the big room afterwards, wait until the coast is clear to jump across at the top, as even the small rocks will sabotage your jumps. While you're in that room, you can high jump off Spear Goons to find some hidden coins, especially in the upper-left corner.

After this, tackle your way through the wall on the right, then enter the room you find and use the Spear Goons as trampolines to the big coins. Coins will hint at walls you can tackle for hidden areas during the next upwards climb. One of these hidden areas leads to the treasure room, where you can win a starfish.

In the next room, leave an enemy block on the top-left corner to ensure you get all the coins. The top-right corner leads to the exit. Use the slope to roll your way through all the rocks for another area with coins. 

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