Wednesday, March 5, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 36 of 51

It's time for our third side story, and in order to start it, we need to make the S.S. Tea Cup sink.

Chapter 2: S.S. Tea Cup

Story 4: Drop the Anchor!

For the next side-story, you'll need to find the alternate exit. To find it, you'll need to throw an enemy through the wall in the lower-left corner of the room where the duck pirate enemy is. This will reveal a path to a door where you can move a furnace and break some walls for coins as well as a path to another door. In the next room, you'll find out there is a cork plugging a leak. Tackle the cork to spring the link and sink the S.S. Tea Cup.

While you're playing through this level again, pay attention to the level layout. It'll be important later, because...

Chapter 3: Ruins at the Bottom of the sea

Story 1: Escape from the Tea Cup!'ll have to go through the same level, now underwater!

Now that the ship has sunk and Captain Syrup and her goons have escaped into some nearby ruins with Wario's treasure, it's time to get off the ship and go after them.

You'll start out from where the leak originated, then swim around and feel you way around the ship from there. The original starting point takes you nowhere, even though it still exists.

To control the pot at the surface of the water, just move into it. Moving into it from underneath can help move it away from the wall if you need to. Walking off the edge rotates it, and you can rotate the pot a full 360 degrees by moving into the corners of it.

The treasure room is in the same place as it was in the non-sunken version of the level, and you can get some sort of orb for winning it.

The anchor room is the exit. Watch out for the fish, as it will swim towards you and chomp at you if it sees you.

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