It is deceptively simple.
Final Chapter: Uncanny Mansion
Story 3: The way to the open door
When you start the level, there will be five doors, each with the Roman numerals of I - V above them. The fifth door will be the only one open at the start, and when you enter it, you won't be able to reach the exit unless you hit a switch to move the blocks upwards. Get the coins here and leave.
When you return to the previous room, V will be closed and IV will open. Go into Door IV and get all the coins, then head back to the entry room. IV will be closed, and I and V will be open. Enter I, and let yourself become Zombie Wario to take out all the enemies and get their coins. Get what you can and return to the entry room.
Door III will be open. Enter there. The treasure room will be to the right, but make sure you take out the enemies and get the coins before playing the treasure room and winning the chalice.
II and IV will be open. Enter Door II, and watch out for the ghost and the birds on the way to the switch. Hit the switch. Leave, and II and IV will still be open. Go through IV and get the coins you missed, then re-enter Room I and get the coins you missed. Be sure you re-enter room III afterwards and get the coins you missed there, too. Enter II one more time, then IV, then V. With the blocks in place, you can finally exit.
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