Tuesday, March 4, 2025

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land II - Part 35 of 51

Our second side story ends with a simple boss battle in Wario's cellar.

Chapter 2: Go To The Cellar

Story 5: Defeat the cave master!!

At the start, you'll have a zombie. Get zombified so you can take out the enemies as well as to get to the area below the start. After that, you'll want to bring the zombie to the right so you can get to another door that leads to a room full of coins. Take the chef there to the top so you can get to the big coins. As for the rest of the starting room, be ready to clear it out so you can get the rest of the coins.

In the next area, you'll need to tackle the walls, jump through the ceilings and butt bounce the ground to find the paths to all of the big coins. You'll need to make your way down to the bottom to reach an optional area. Here, you'll need to throw a small rock at the enemy blocks, then get flattened by a big rock to become Flat Wario and get all the coins. The bats will be able to pull you back into shape.

The real door to go through is right of where you started the maze. Break the blocks, and watch out for the moving spikes. Go to the upper left corner, and save the blocks to high jump to an area with some big coins that are easy to miss as well as a Spear Goon. Inside the blocks in this area is another doorway. Use the chefs to get to the big coins, and make sure you leave the chef there so you can get all the big coins. You'll also need to get a chef to the upper-left area and throw him into the hole so you can break the blocks and enter the treasure room, where you can win a horn.

The upper-right corner of the moving spikes room is the boss room. High jump over the boss when the elbow pad flashes, and when he shakes while standing on one leg, tackling him from behind to knock him off the edge. If he jumps straight up at the edge, you won't be able to hit him. After knocking the boss off the edge three times, you'll win the battle and move on to Maze Woods.

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