Saturday, October 8, 2016

SlimKirby plays Kirby's Dream Land 3 BLIND - Part 18 of 27

I honestly thought World 4-2 was bad in the "these graphics are screwing with me" department. Wait until you see World 5-3.

World 5-3

You'll be able to get an opportunity to pick between Pitch, Coo and Nago halfway through the first section, where you'll meet a new enemy: a mole rolling a snowball at you. Even if you defeat the guy rolling the snowball somehow, the snowball still damages you when you touch it.

If you step on the ice blocks, they'll melt under you weight and eventually disappear.

The second section takes place in an ice cave. When you enter it, the screen will start automatically scrolling once again. You'll see boulders rolling toward you in the water near the end.

The third section has Gordos. This time around, they'll move through the ice floors and walls. Also, I swear, the translucent solid walls and floors seem to blend in with the backgrounds at times.

The fourth section is the minigame featuring Chef Kawasaki from Kirby Super Star. Five Gordos will drop, and each one will make a sound. Kawasaki will whack the Gordo next to him with his pan, which will match the sound that one of the Gordos made. You'll have to choose which Gordo originally made that noise. After three correct guesses, you'll get the Heart Star at the end of the stage.

The last section is pretty simple, really. You'll finally see the icicles that have appeared in previous games here.

World 5-4

The first two sections are a run to the right. The first one is pretty simple, but the second one is a downward slope interspersed with bats and guys running around in sheets.

The third section has you standing on breakaway blocks, which allow you to drop the door below. Swallow one of the fire dragons, and you'll be able to use the Fire ability to break through the ice blocks and find two more doors at the bottom. You'll find an animal friend in each one.

The fourth section has spiked columns made of ice that slowly float upwards before pounding the ground.

The fifth section has you outrunning icicles. If you have Coo (from the left dooor in the third section) and the Fire ability, this is really easy.

The sixth section is an upward climb to the top. It appears that the snowballs can be handled just like the boulders that roll after you from Level 3. Just use Fire to get past them unscathed.

The seventh section has those yellow, toothy fish. Tread with caution. If you have the Fire ability, you can destroy them, believe it or not. You'll just have to hit them at the right time.

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