Saturday, October 1, 2016

SlimKirby plays Kirby's Dream Land 3 BLIND - Part 5 of 27

So what happens when you find all the Heart Stars in a world? We find out here!

When you collect all of the Heart Stars in a world you've already completed, you'll have to fight the boss again. When you do, the Heart Stars will work their magic and break Dark Matter's link to that world. When you return to the world map, the last of that limb in what I call the "Dark Matter Starfish" where the world is completely gone.

World 2: Ripple Field

World 2-1

You may have probably figured this out earlier, but swallowing a Broom Hatter actually gives you the Broom ability. This is the only time where a run-of-the-mill enemy that's been in every game in the series gives you an ability. Since the ability doesn't show up again in a later game, it's also the last.

You'll need the Broom ability before you get Pitch. If you haven't already, go get it now. The next room lets you choose between Pitch and Nago. Choose Pitch. In the third section, there will be a thin white floor that you can drop under and find a door. Go in, and you'll find a plant sapling that hasn't grown yet. Combining Pitch and the Broom ability lets you shoot water balloons, so hit one with the plant to get the blue flower that signifies the first stage. Now do yourself a favor and don't step on it, unless you want to epically screw this up.

If you ever hear a chime when you enter a room or section, you'll find something involving the requirement there.

There is another room shortly after this one that contains two of these flowers, and another one after this that contains three.

The fish under the bridge at the end will lunge out of the water and into your face. Once on land, they can spit starfish at you. Also worth mentioning the exploding tree nuts of doom that fall of the palm trees and explode. Yep, they're back!

World 2-2

There's a platform you can drop under and find a door. Here, you can choose between Chuchu and Kine.

The next part will take you to an all-underwater area where pipes pump out strong air currents that push you around. Kine can swim against these currents if he's tagging along.

In the final section, you'll see a door. This takes you to some yellow blob with an umbrella on his head. This guy is involved for this level's requirement. You'll have to approach him with both Kine and the Parasol ability and use the attack near him to make him happy, which awards you with the Heart Star for this level.

The crabs have extendable claws which would be more of a help if they weren't so short. They do make it harder to jump over them, so you're better off taking them out.

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