Thursday, October 20, 2016

Chilean Retrogamer plays Violent Storm - Level 6 of 7

We move through the harbor to take on some ninja-turtle looking guy but also boats full of bad guys!

Level 6: Port Town

There will be enemies coming out of the ships that sail near you, so watch out.

The fish that come out of the water will refill your health.

The guy leaning on the bollard is also named DFC Nakagawa, just like the referee from the wrestling ring in Level 3. You can hit him a couple of times and knock him into the sea. Weird.

The second section is an oil rig. The boss here is Sledge, who happens to not only wear cooking woks as armor, but also uses them as weapons. Besides the ol' whack upside the head, he can zip to the other side of the screen like a ninja (he even teleports!) and also a few aerial attacks, such as a butt slam, a TMNT-style kick combined with zipping one location to another and a sidestep jump where he hits you in the head in mid-air. Unlike other bosses, Sledge can block your attacks, making your attacks do less damage. Keep the pressure on! Stay on the move, grab him and do some damage from there whenever you can, don't meet him head on, use your standing combo from an angle and you should be fine.

Final Fight vs Violent Storm Round 6: Harbor? Port Town? Pretty similar.

Also, it's pretty obvious that the Spike enemies are based on Abigail from the first Final Fight, which in turn is based on Animal from the Road Warriors/Legion of Doom. Interestingly, Abigail basically shared the same body as the Andore enemies from Final Fight, which were based off Andre the Giant, taking the art of ripping things off to a whole new level.

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