Monday, August 8, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge - Part 4 of 6

We take on the four Robot Masters from Mega Man 2 before the final battle!

Dr. Wily 1

After the drop area, you'll notice that the Sniper Joe you meet will jump along with you as he shoots. It doesn't make him that much harder, but it's annoying if you don't see this coming.

The spiked robot that's low to the floor can be destroyed with the Rolling Cutter.

The second vertical spike drop is much shorter than the first and requires the use of Carry to ensure that you make it over the one spike trap that it has.

You'll soon meet the bird from Air Man's stage that drops the eggs full of smaller birds that come at you after the egg is dropped. Do yourself a favor and use the Rolling Cutter or Thunder Beam to take care of them all. If you shoot the egg before it drops, you won't have to worry about the birds at all.

After another drill section and another drop off, you'll be in a dark room that says "Dr. Wily Teleport System." You'll then see four teleporter pads. These are the Robot Masters for Mega Man 2, and instead of going through more stages, you just take these guys on one-on-one in one fell swoop.

The teleporters from upper-left and clockwise to the lower-left are Quick Man, Bubble Man, Heat Man and Flash Man.

Bubble Man

Bubble Man fights just like he does in Mega Man 2, as do all of the Robot Masters here. Bubble Man will jump into the air and shoot bubbles at you that also bounce across the floor. He also shoots bullets out of the gun on his head. The Rolling Cutter will actually do the most damage on Bubble Man, as easy as he is to destroy with the Proto Buster.

You'll also get Bubble Lead when you leave the room. Be sure to take the energy these Robot Masters leave behind, too. You'll need it.

Heat Man

Shooting fire columns in threes across the room and rushing to the other side of the room while maintaining the appearance of a Zippo lighter? Yep, Heat Man is still at it, and just like on the NES, he's vulnerable to Bubble Lead. Avoid the columns, hit him with Bubble Head and jump over him when he zips towards you.

Beating him will grant you the Atomic Fire.

Flash Man

Flash Man walks from one side of the room to the other, jumping whenever you shoot and occasionally using his Time Stopper to stop you in your tracks and attempt to shoot at you. You could use Bubble Lead to beat him, but you can also use the shield from the Fire Storm as a two-hit weapon if he's way too close to you. 

Beating Flash Man will give you the Time Stopper.

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