Tuesday, August 9, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge - Part 6 of 6


The metal blocks can be destroyed with Atomic Fire. Also, taking the top path makes it easier to get closer to the end.

Before the end, you'll have to make your way past three flying scissor blades stacked on top of one another. There's nothing to it if you time your movements correctly so you can pass right under all three of them.

When you drop down here, hold Right so you can get the extra life.

You'll fight a machine that looks like Dr. Wily's face if it were all metallic and the eyes were replaced by futuristic sunglasses. Its weak point is the spinning wheel where its lower jaw is, and the mouth will spit out the spiral robots, which will come towards you. The first one goes for the floor, while the second goes high. These robots will always alternate between these two patterns.

When you destroy the jaw, the head becomes a glass dome, revealing Dr. Wily. Watch out for not only the claw, but the lasers! The lasers are fired by a small cannon that moves up and down on the side of the face. The lasers can be fast, but here the trick: you're not supposed to dodge them at all. Instead, you're supposed to use the Mirror Buster you got from Enker to send these lasers back at Wily's machine, causing damage. This is the only way you can destroy it. From there, stand in the middle of the screen so you can easily avoid the claw that extends towards you and still be able to deflect the lasers.

When you beat Wily's second form, you did it! Enjoy your ending!

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