Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 13 of 70

Well, I had the best of intentions here, even if they didn't exactly work out. Still, what I do here now is going to help out later.

The End of Time

If you bring Robo to Spekkio, Spekkio will tell you that Robo cannot learn any magic, due to being a man-made creation from after the age of magic, although his Laser Spin does do Shadow damage. Keep that in mind.

We're supposed to head to Medina Village in 1000 A.D. and make our way home at this point. Before I do that, though, I have the bright idea of heading to the prehistoric era and getting some things ahead of time. It doesn't work out as well as I would like, but I do get a few things and level up a little bit nevertheless.

From here, we'll be going through the pillar of light in the bottom center position. 

When you arrive in prehistoric times, you'll fall down a gap for a little while before you land near the stream below. As you make your way south, you'll be facing Runners and Kilwalas. Lightning will do a lot of damage to the Runners and can lower their defense, while the Kilwalas will attack your party members one a ta time by running at them. If you need to take out multiple enemies at once, Fire Whirl and Laser Spin help. You may have more luck having Marle in your party rather than Robo, as Aura Whirl will help with healing the whole party.

As you fight enemies in 65,000,000 B.C., you'll be collecting four new times: Petals, Fangs, Feathers and Horns. You'll need to use these in the trading hut.

Once you make it down the Mystic Mountains, you'll be able to explore the overworld. There are some huts, including the Chief's huts, but only one of them will be of use to you, as one of the villagers in them will allow you to drink "sweet water" that replenishes your HP and MP. One of the villagers in another hut will tell you that thunder stuns all dinosaurs, which is how you're supposed to find out that hitting dinosaurs with lightning spells will work wonders for you by lowering their defense. 

In the Meeting Site, you can meet more people, and you'll also see Kino for the first time. Kino looks obviously different from everyone else, and he will not want anything to do with you.

One of the huts is the trading hut, but to my surprise, you won't be able to trade your Fangs, Horns, Feathers and Petals for anything this early in the game and you won't be able to do it until the storyline demands you head here.

There are two places we can head to: the Hunting Range and the Dactyl Nest. I head to the Dactyl Nest first because I'm absolutely nuts.

Dactyl Nest

When you head here, you'll have to face a Cave Ape and a Shist immediately. Take out the Cave Ape first, as he is quite powerful and can attack you one of two ways: throwing a Shist at you (or you at another person or a wall) or swinging his arms at you. Both hurt at this point in the game. Crono's sword will do the most damage at this point. The Shist will not do anything unless you attack it, at which point it will turn into a Pahoehoe and spit rocks at one party member for a little bit of damage.

The Avian Rexes attack in pairs. Lightning will do a lot of damage to them, but don't be afraid to use other magic or a multi-target attack like Cyclone or Fire Whirl on them as well. 

If you ever need to heal, use a Mid Tonic or Aura Whirl. If Marle learns Cure at this point, use that, too. This is especially true if the Cave Ape gives you a hard time. 

There are two screens to explore here before you reach the final screen all the way up, which has absolutely nothing. I avoid that final screen because it makes it easier to get the heck out of here. You'll know you're near the top when you open the chest that contains the Meso Mail, which is the most powerful armor for men that you can get at this point in the game (if you're bold enough). If you get it, stick it on Crono.

After getting the heck out of the Dactyl Nest area (which I obviously should not have been in at this point in the game), I head to the Hunting Range.

Hunting Range

When you enter this area, you'll be able to move around and fight some enemies for more Petals, Fangs, Feathers and Horns. The Croakers, Amphibites and Rain Frogs can hit you with rain spells and with their cheeks for an up-close attack, but you can easily wipe them out with Cyclone. The Ions and Anions - much like the frog enemies - always show up together - and they will hit you with a close-up physical attack if they get close enough. Once again, use Cyclone.

Every once in a while, it will rain, and when that happens, Nu will show up. Nu will show up in one of three locations: the northwest corner of the map, the northeast corner of the map and the southeast corner of the map. I stick to the east side because I've always had more luck finding him on the east side of the hunting range in the many years that I've played this game. If you talk to him before the rain stops, you can fight him. Nu has one attack, and it's a headbutt. It is programmed to take your HP all the way down to zero, and if you don't heal, it will take a few more hits before the weakened party member loses that one last hit point and goes down. Nu has exactly 1,234 hit points, and if you can hit him hard, you can take him down pretty use Double Techs if you can and Aura Whirl if you absolutely have to! When you beat him, you'll get three more of all four of the trading items, and if you've beaten him for the very first time, you'll get the Third Eye, which doubles the Evade of whoever equips it.

There's nothing else to do in 65,000,000 B.C., so I head back to the End of Time.

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