Sunday, April 24, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Secret Agent - Part 11 of 12

If you couldn't already tell, the third episode is the most difficult.

Area 3

Go to the right and jump for the blue key so you can get it and open the blue door. Go up and take out the ceiling turret, then get the green door. Take care not to get zapped in the next part of this level as you drop down to the green doors. You'll want to open the green door to the left first for another green key, then open the one on the right. From here, carefully drop down and head to the left. Watch out for the visor robots, and shoot them when the visors are up. Get the bullets if you need them, head up and to the right to take out the satellite dish. From here, go back to the lower-right corner of the level and take the teleporter.

Head to the left, and do not move the push barrel. Keep going left to get the red key, hopefully without touching the P. Remember the electric barriers you had to avoid? Go back to those and carefully make your way to the red door on the right. You'll need to open that one for points and another red key. Then, you can open the red door on the left to get the X-Ray Specs and the S. Enter the teleporter in the lower-right corner again. This time, you can push the pushbarrel down. You'll need to use it to get to the red platforms with the P and the dynamite. Get them both. The Y is on the route to the satellite dish. You can now exit.

Area 14

When you drop all the way down, take out the glass dome robot and get the blue key. Use the pushbarrel to get the ammo and open the blue door. From here, you'll need to be careful where you jump so you don't get hit by rockets as you get the blue key and open the next blue door. Thankfully, there is a moving platform at the top of this room, but there is also a ceiling turret, and you'll definitely need to take it down. Watch for bombs as you traverse the steps, then go down the pipe at the end. Take out the robots at the bottom when they expose their faces, then head up the red platforms. Get the disk, the S and the X-Ray Specs, hopefully without being zapped by a robot or the thug or without hitting your head on the ceiling fans.

From here, you'll need to loop all the way back to the point past the wooden stairs. On the way there, use the red platforms to take out the satellite dish. Put the disk in the computer, then use the red platforms to get to the dynamite. You can now exit once you loop all the way back to the start again and blow up the exit when you land.

The S is on the way to the X-Ray specs. The P is on the way to the wooden stairs. The Y is above the right end of the laser field.

Area 16

Make your way to the right and drop down. Be careful with the rocket launchers. If you need to, jump up and a little bit to the left to get over the rockets.  One you drop down, go right and get in the teleporter. Take out the glass dome robot safely, then head to the right and past that electric barrier. You'll need to stay up top to get to the computer and put the disk in it, then you'll need to get the pushbarrel and take it all the way down to where the teleporter was to jump up to the top of the rocket launcher (careful now) and get the dynamite. As you push the barrel to the left at the start and follow it, you'll get the blue key. Go through the teleporter again. This time, you can go back to the start and head upwards for a red key. Get back in the teleporter and go down and to the left to open both doors and take out the satellite dish. You can now head back to the start and exit.

The S is near the satellite dish, the P is next to the red key and the Y is above the teleporter in the lower-right corner of the level.

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