Saturday, April 23, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Secret Agent - Part 10 of 12

It was slow going at first, but the pace kicks back up as we complete four more levels in Episode Three.

Area 15

Head to the right and watch out for the ceiling turret, the spike in the middle step and the sharks in the dangerous water. Go up the stairs and get the blue key and the dis. Go back down and open the blue door to get the red key and some ammo, then go back to the start and put the disk in the computer. Go back up and open the red door, then make your way further up and go to the right for the blue key. Go back down and open the blue door to get the red key, then go back up, open the red door and destroy the satellite dish. Watch out for the ceiling turret on the way there. As for the dynamite, you'll need to head back down to the start and get the sneakers so you can reach the dynamite. If you miss, there's another one in the blue door room below the lasers. You can now exit in the upper-right corner.

The S is near the satellite dish, the P is in the room below the laser field and the Y is in the armory where you found the disk.

Area 10

Head left and jump over the gaps in the bridge, and get the blue key in the upper-left corner. From here, you'll need to head to the blue door that you just moved past. Head to the left and take out the ninja master, then grab the blue key and the ammo. Go to the right through the blue door and take out another ninja master, then grab the green key. Go through the green door and be careful on the way to the right, getting the blue key as you go. Keep following the path, and get the disk. Go back and put it in the computer, then go through the blue door. Go left and get the red key, then head back up and open the red door to destroy the satellite. From here, go to the right and watch for spikes on the platforms when you go up and get the dynamite. From here, you can exit.

The S is in the path with the two rocket launchers between the computer and the disk, the P is on the way to the exit, and the Y is below the dynamite.

Area 9

Take either the left path or the right path and avoid the spike and the water. The next room will have a blue key and a blue door no matter what. (I usually go right first, it's easier.) You'll need to go to the right half of the level and get the disk, then bring it to the computer in the left half of the level. This will make things easier to do.

On the right half of the level, you'll need to destroy the guard dog and get the green key. This will let you open the green door and get the X-Ray Specs, which will help you get the nearby blue door and get back to the entrance, where you can get the dynamite.

On the left half of the level, there is the satellite dish you need to destroy. (Watch out for the ceiling turret!) Also, there are two blue keys, but you really only need one; there's an extra one in the level in case you're itching to go up and explore the whole level. To get to that door, though, you'll have to wrap around to the other end of the level and open the blue door from where you started just to get into the armory. 

The exit in the lower-right corner of the level. The S is where the satellite dish and ceiling turret are, the P is above the X-Ray Specs and the Y is located near the disk and exit as well as the space below the armory. Collecting the S and P first will give you 10,000 points per Y.

Area 7

Head all the way to the right and jump up the platform. Take the pushbarrel to the right and to the platform you couldn't jump to in order to get the blue. Go right and drop down to open the door. Take out the guard dog. Get the increased shot power and the bullets, then make your way into the teleporter. Jump to the right and get the red key, then head right and then down to open the red door. Take out the ceiling turret then go left and go up and into the teleporter. Be careful as you jump and get the disk, then enter the teleporter, go back all the way to the right and take the pushbarrel left so you can get the teleporter. You'll then need to loop back to the beginning, then head right and then down to put the disk in the computer.

Go back through the teleporter and make your way to the left. Now that the laser field is deactivated, you can now safely drop all the way down. Get the blue key and take out the ninja, then head further right and open the blue door to get a green key. Take out the sentry, open the green door, take out the guard, get the redy, go back up and open the red door, get the blue key and destroy the satellite. Open the blue door.

The S is near the ninja at the bottom, the P is near the computer and the Y is near the dynamite. Thankfully, you can take the pushbarrel to the area where it is.

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