Tuesday, April 12, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Black Belt - Part 3 of 3

In this entry, we play the last two rounds of the game and save Kyoko.

Round 5

Just like with Round 2, the enemies here can jump. Be ready to punch or kick accordingly.

The only mini-bosses here are a pair of guys with flamethrowers. Focus on one guy at a time, jump over the flames, jump kick the guys whenever possible, punch when super-close, and if you can, corner one of them and keep attacking. You will, however, have to face them three times.

The boss is Rita, and you'll have to hit her with a certain sequence of attacks. That sequences is a jumping kick, a standing punch, a crouching punch and a crouching kick. The hardest part is getting close to Rita and hitting her without getting hit yourself, so use jumps and superjumps to clear the distance. If you're far enough away, Rita will dive at you.

You'll have to do this sequence of attacks twice to get Rita's health bar all the way down. When that happens, you'll have to land the last hit by punching Rita when she does the dive attack. Get far enough to get her to jump into the air for the dive, then walk under her and punch when she is right next to you. If you pull it off, Rita is done for good.

Round 6

It's just you and Wang - the guy who kidnapped your girlfriend.

The easy to beat Wang is to go all the way to the left, duck down and wait for Wang to jump at you and start punching the instant you face left. If you can get his health bar all the way down, you just need to hit him with a standing punch when he is moving around and you can defeat him once and for all.

Of course, the duck punch glitch doesn't always work, so you may have to do the next best thing: jump kicking Wang, stepping back a bit and doing it again. You want to do the jump kick just before you land so you can hit Wang before he can hit you. If he jumps, punch him he's in close while in the air. You must land a standing punch while Wang is on the ground for the last shot in order to beat him and rescue Kyoko. You've just beaten Black Belt!

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