Friday, February 7, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Revenge of Shinobi - Part 3 of 8

We've landed in America...and now the enemies are quite a bit different.

Round 3

The first section takes place in an airport and has some of the best music in the game. Instead of ninjas and martial artists, however, you now have military forces to deal with. The dogs are the same as ever, but you now have guys standing - or lying - in place shooting machine guns or throwing bombs at you. The bombs can only hit you on the way down, and their explosions can also hurt you. Other soldiers will be carrying flamethrowers and shooting at you from a shorter distance, but they are also mobile and will walk towards you. If you need to avoid some enemies, you can always double jump to leap over the fence and switch between the background and the foreground. There are two ninjitsu icons in the first section: one in a box on a brick column and at the top of the screen near the exit. If you strike at the right side of the big steel box near the first ninjitsu pick-up, you can find a large heart. The second ninjitsu icon can be found by standing on the last brick column in the stage and shooting to the right.

The second section takes place in a plane. You'll have the same soldiers as last time, but you'll be in tighter spaces as you fight them. The background doors that open and close at regular intervals will suck you out of the plane if you walk into them, so always double jump clear over them. There are also elevator platforms that take you up and down in the level.

To beat the boss, stay on the movie to avoid being shot at by the laser cannon above, and when the metal cylinder on the right opens up, jump up and shoot the glass casing with the brain inside it with a shuriken. It will close up. You'll have to keep this going until you destroy the brain's housing and cause the metal cylinder to explode. You can use Jitsu of Karyu if the brain is green to end the battle early.

You'll get an extra two units of health every 100,000 points, and those two extra health units can really help.

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