Sunday, February 16, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Kid Niki 3 - Part 2 of 4

The game may have simple graphics for when it was released and the gameplay is okay, but at least the game has some weird enemies.

Stage 3

The first enemy that you will see is some sort of eggplant on legs. You'll also fight flying bananas, sunflowers that shoot out their flowers, feet with carrot stems that jump towards you and daffodils sprouting human hands that shoot guns.

Because I got the projectile upgrade in the bonus area at the end of the last video, I have bigger, fireball-like projectiles that are faster and go through multiple enemies. If I had gotten three Princess heads, Kid Niki would be red and black as opposed to white and black, indicating that he has higher defense. Bonus stage defenses last until you either die or clear the stage.

The river on the ground soon after the beginning acts like a conveyor belt that pushes you to the left. When you reach the boat, let the water move you into it. From there, keep pressing B and holding the direction opposite where you want to go to avoid the logs. You can press A to jump off the boat at any time.

Spikes deal a lot of damage if you jump into them, so don't do it.

If a wall runs out while you are holding onto it with your staff, you'll stop moving downward as long as you're holding the B button.

To beat the boss, jump over his when he charges at you and hit him in the back. If he jumps up and hit the floor with the hammer, make sure you're in the air so you don't take damage. This is a strangely easy boss.

Stage 4

In the desert, you'll face bats, bees...and armadillos with guns. The armadillos are vulnerable when they come out of their ball form, and the upward and downward stabs will come in very handy against the bats and bees.

The clouds with the pink outlines will start dropping down after you stand on them.

The fans will push you back, much like that one enemy from Air Man's stage in Mega Man 2.

The white ball will bounce when you attack, allowing you to reach higher altitudes.

The boss is a ninja who attacks you with musical notes from a horn. He stays on the top half of the screen at first, then takes the lower half. Whenever he switches sides, he turns into a tornado and flies around the room. When he is a tornado, stay in the center of the room so you don't get hit. As for hitting him, fire projectiles as he is jumping from one platform to another, as he is vulnerable only when he is standing still.

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